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Research Publications and Grants

Faculty, staff and students participate in all facets of the scientific enterprise at University of Idaho's McCall Field Campus. In this way, our education programs are born from grounded scientific experience. Our research interests range from understanding how technology, adventure learning and place-based education can enhance student scientific identity, to studying connections between ecological structure and function, to understanding the multiple services that ecosystems provide to society.

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Publications by Year

Baumann, D., Eitel, K., Artis, C., Goldberg, D., Smith, A. (2022). Everyday Nation Building: A conversation. Journal of American Indian Education (in press).

Williamson, N. (PI). J. Pinkham, J. Parker, K. Eitel (Co-PIs). Awarded 2021. Wéetespeme Stewardship Program: Culturally Relevant STEM Immersion for Tribally-Led Adaptive Management. National Science Foundation Advancing Informal STEM Learning Award #2117322. $581,376.

Eitel, K. (PI). MCA: Partnering Land and communities for equitable and inclusive STEM learning. Awarded 2021. National Science Foundation Mid-Career Advancement Award #2121898. $227,519.

Dixon, R.A., Eitel, K., Cohn, T., Carter, M., Seven, K. (2021). Identifying Essential Fisheries Competencies to link to School Curriculum: Supporting Nez Perce Students’ STEM Identity. Journal of Research in Technical Careers, 5(1).

Maguire , A.J., Eitel, J.U.H., Magney, T.S., Frankenberg, C., Köhler, P., Orcutt, E.L., Parazoo, N.C., Pavlick, R. and Pierrat, Z.A. 2021. Spatial covariation between solar-induced fluorescence and vegetation indices from Arctic-Boreal landscapes. Environmental Research Letters, 16(9), p.095002.

Jennewein, J.S., Eitel, J.U.H., Joly, K., Long, R.A., Maguire, A.J., Vierling, L.A. and Weygint, W. 2021. Estimating integrated measures of forage quality for herbivores by fusing optical and structural remote sensing data. Environmental Research Letters.

Lewis, S.A., Robichaud, P.R., Hudak, A.T., Strand, E.K., Eitel, J.U. H., Brown, R.E. 2021. Evaluating the Persistence of Post-Wildfire Ash: A Multi-Platform Spatiotemporal Analysis. Fire, 4(4), p.68.

Griffin, K.L., Schmeige, S.C., Bruner, S.G., Boelman, N.T., Vierling, L.A. Eitel, J.U.H. 2021. High Leaf Respiration Rates May Limit the Success of White Spruce Saplings growing in The Kampfzone at the Arctic Treeline. bioRxiv.

Russell, M., Eitel, J.U.H., Link, T.E. and Silva, C.A. 2021. Important Airborne Lidar Metrics of Canopy Structure for Estimating Snow Interception. Remote Sensing, 13(20), p.4188.

Lu, J., Eitel, J.U.H., Jennewein, J.S., Zhu, J., Zheng, H., Yao, X., Cheng, T., Zhu, Y., Cao, W. Tian, Y., 2021. Combining Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data for Improved Rice Plant Potassium Content Estimation. Remote Sensing, 13(17), p.3502.

Lu, J., Eitel, J.U.H., Engels, M., Zhu, J., Ma, Y., Liao, F., Zheng, H., Wang, X., Yao, X., Cheng, T. and Zhu, Y., 2021. Improving Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) remote sensing of rice plant potassium accumulation by fusing spectral and textural information. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 104, p.102592.

Tian, S., Zheng, G., Eitel, J.U.E., Zhang, Q. 2021. A Lidar-Based 3-D Photosynthetically Active Radiation Model Reveals the Spatiotemporal Variations of Forest Sunlit and Shaded Leaves. Remote Sensing, 13(5), 1002.

Eitel, J.U.H., Kevin L. Griffin, Natalie T. Boelman, Andrew J. Maguire*, Arjan JH Meddens, Johanna Jensen*, Lee A. Vierling, Stephanie C. Schmiege*, and Jyoti S. Jennewein*. 2020. Remote sensing tracks daily radial wood growth of evergreen needleleaf trees. Global Change Biology

Maguire, A.J.*, Eitel, J.U.H., Griffin, K.L., Troy S. Magney, et al. 2020. On the Functional Relationship Between Fluorescence and Photochemical Yields in Complex Evergreen Needleleaf Canopies. Geophysical Research Letters 47, no. 9 (2020): e2020GL087858.

Davidson, S.C., Bohrer, G., Gurarie, E., LaPoint, S., Mahoney, P.J., Boelman, N.T., Eitel, J.U.H. et al. 2020. Ecological insights from three decades of animal movement tracking across a changing Arctic. Science 370, no. 6517 (2020): 712-715.

Russell, M.*, Eitel, J.U.H., Andrew J Maguire*, and Timothy E Link. 2020. Toward a Novel Laser-Based Approach for Estimating Snow Interception. Remote Sensing 12, no. 7: 1146.

Lecigne, Bastien*, Eitel, J.U.H., and Janet L. Rachlow. 2020. Viewshed3d: An R package for quantifying 3D visibility using terrestrial lidar data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11, no. 6: 733-738.

Jennewein, J.S., Hebblewhite, M., Mahoney, P., Gilbert, S., Meddens, A.J., Boelman, N.T., ... & Eitel, J.U.H. 2020. Behavioral modifications by a large-northern herbivore to mitigate warming conditions. Movement ecology, 8(1), 1-14.

Jennewein, J.S.*, Eitel, J.U.H., Pinto, J. R., & Vierling, L.A. 2020. Toward Mapping Dietary Fibers in Northern Ecosystems Using Hyperspectral and Multispectral Data. Remote Sensing, 12(16), 2579.

Russell, M.T.*, Cartwright, J. M., Collins, G. H., Long, R. A., & Eitel, J.U.H. 2020. Legacy Effects of Hydrologic Alteration in Playa Wetland Responses to Droughts. Wetlands, 1-14.

Dixon, R. A., Wheeler, A., Eitel, K., Davis, M. Eitel, J.U.H. 2020. Using UAV in a Culturally Responsive STEM Curriculum. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 80(2).

Prager, C.M., Boelman, N.T., Eitel, J.U.H., Gersony, J.T., Greaves, H.E., Heskel, M.A., … & Griffin, K.L. 2020. A mechanism of expansion: Arctic deciduous shrubs capitalize on warming-induced nutrient availability. Oecologia, 1-15.

Olsen, S.,  Miller, B.G., Eitel, K.  & Cohn, T. (2020) Assessing Teachers’ Environmental Citizenship Based on an Adventure Learning Workshop: A Case Study from a Social-ecological Systems Perspective, Journal of Science Teacher Education, DOI: 10.1080/1046560X.2020.1771039.

Dixon, R. A., Wheeler, A., Eitel, K.B., Eitel, J., Davis, M. (2020). Using UAV in a Culturally Responsive STEM Curriculum. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 80 (2).

Vierling, L. (PI). T. Link, K. Eitel, T. Paveglio, T. Cohn, M. Engels, M. Wolfenden, J. Eitel (Co-PIs). 2020. Team SINEW: Sustaining Idaho’s Needs in Environment and Water. UI Presidential Water Sustainability Initiative. $13,315.

Stevens, P. (PI). K. Eitel, S. Penney, V. Anthony-Stevens (Co-PIs). 2020. Collaborative Research: Cultivating Indigenous Research Communities for Leadership and Education in STEM (CIRCLES). National Science Foundation Award # 2038371. $739,619 total, $76,051 (UI portion).

Vierling, K.T., Aycrigg, J., Cohn, T.C., Holbrook, J.D., Lorenz, T.J., and Svancara, L. 2019. From the talk to the walk: effective communication makes for effective management. In Wildlife and Landscapes: Principles and Applications for Landscape Management. W.F. Porter, C.J. Parent, and D.M. Williams (Eds). John Hopkins University Press. Invited chapter. (In Press).

Berry, K. Cohn, T.C., Oliviera, K, Redman I.M. 2019. Languages and Water: Arapaho and Hawaiian in Handbook of the Changing World Language Map. Ed. Brunn, S. and Kehrein, R. Springer. Doi:10.1007/978-3-319-73400-2_156-1)

Cohn, T.C., Berry, K., Whyte, K.P., Norman, E. 2019. Spatio-temporal conceptions and tribal water quality governance in the United States. Water, Special Issue “Water Governance: Retheorizing Politics” Water 11, 99. doi:10.3390/w11010099

Maguire, A.J.*, Eitel, J.U.H., Vierling, L.A., Johnson, D.M., Griffin, K.L., Boelman, N.T., Jensen*, J.E., Greaves, H.E., Arjan J.H. Meddens. 2019. Terrestrial lidar scanning reveals fine-scale linkages between microstructure and photosynthetic functioning of small-stature spruce trees at the forest-tundra ecotone. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 269-270, 157-168.

Eitel, J.U.H., Maguire, A.J.*, Boelman, N., Vierling, L.A., Griffin, K.L., Jensen, J.*, Magney, T.S., Mahoney, P.J., Meddens, A.J.H., Silva, C., Sonnentag, O., 2019. Proximal remote sensing of tree physiology at northern treeline: Do late-season changes in the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) respond to climate or photoperiod? Remote Sensing of Environment, 221, 340-350.

Olsen, S., Eitel, K., Miller, B., Cohn, T., Smith, R. (In review). Assessing teachers' environmental citizenship before and after a teacher workshop: A case study from a social ecological systems perspective. Journal of Science Teacher Education.

Engels, M., Miller, B., Squires, A., Jennewein, J., Eitel, K. (2019). The Confluence Approach: Developing scientific literacy through project-based learning and place-based education in the context of NGSS. Electronic Journal of Science Education.

Dixon, R. A., Eitel, K., & Zhu, Y. (2019). Developing STEM Identity of Nez Perce Students: Identifying Entry-Level Competencies for Forestry and Fire Management. Journal of Research in Technical Careers, 3 (1).

Hougham, R., Gotch, C., Schon, J., Eitel, K. Hendrickson, D. (2019). Development of an energy literacy measure for middle school students. Journal of Sustainability Education 19.

Mackenzie, S. H., Son, J. S., & Eitel, K. (2018). Using outdoor adventure to enhance intrinsic motivation and engagement in science and physical activity: An exploratory study. Journal of outdoor recreation and tourism, 21, 76-86.

Boelman, N., Liston, G.E., Gurarie, E., Meddens, A.J., Mahoney, P.J., Kirchner, P.B., Bohrer, G., Brinkman, T.J., Cosgrove, C.L., Eitel, J.U.H., and Hebblewhite, M., 2018. Integrating snow science and wildlife ecology in Arctic-boreal North America. Environmental Research Letters.

Mahoney, P.J., Liston, G.E., LaPoint, S., Gurarie, E., Mangipane, B., Wells, A.G., Brinkman, T.J., Eitel, J.U.H., Hebblewhite, M., Nolin, A.W. and Boelman, N., 2018. Navigating snowscapes: scale‐dependent responses of mountain sheep to snowpack properties. Ecological Applications

Meddens, A.J., Vierling, L.A., Eitel, J.U.H., Jennewein, J.S.*, White, J.C., & Wulder, M. A. 2018. Developing 5 m resolution canopy height and digital terrain models from WorldView and ArcticDEM data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 218, 174-188.

Ryer M. Becker, Robert F. Keefe, Nathaniel M. Anderson, Jan U.H. Eitel. 2018. Use of lidar-derived landscape parameters to characterize alternative harvest system options in the Inland Northwest, International Journal of Forest Engineering.

Son, J. Mackenzie, S., Eitel, K, & Luvaas, E. (2017). Engaging youth in physical activity and STEM subjects through outdoor learning as outdoor adventure education.  Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 20(2), xx–xx.

St. Onge, J.P. & Eitel, K.B., (2017) Increasing active participation and engagement of students in circle formations. Networks: Online Journal for Teacher Research.

Magney, T.S., Logan, B.A., Reblin, J.S., Boelman, N.T., Eitel, J.U.H., Greaves, H.E., Griffin, K.L., Prager, C.M., Vierling, L.A. 2017. Xanthophyll cycle activity in two prominent arctic shrub species. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 49(2), 273-285

Silva, C., Hudak, A., Vierling, L., Klauberg, C., Garcia, M., Ferraz, A., Keller, M., Eitel, J.U.H., Saatchi, S., 2017. Impacts of Airborne Lidar Pulse Density on Estimating Biomass Stocks and Changes in a Selectively Logged Tropical Forest. Remote Sens. 9, 1068. doi:10.3390/rs9101068

Prager, C.M., Naeem, S., Boelman, N., Eitel, J.U.H., Greaves, H., Heskel, M., Magney, T.S., Menge, D.N.L., Vierling, L.A., Griffin, K.L. 2017. A gradient of nutrient enrichments reveals nonlinear impacts of fertilization of Arctic plant diversity and ecosystem function. Ecology and Evolution, 7(7), 2449-2460, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.2863

Ma, L.X., Zheng, G., Eitel, J.U.H., Magney, T.S., Moskal, L.M. 2017. Retrieving forest canopy extinction coefficient from terrestrial and airborne lidar. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 236, 1-21. Greaves, H.E.*, Vierling, L.A., Eitel, J.U.H., Boelman, N., Magney, T.S., Prager, C.M.*, Griffin, K.L. 2017. Applying terrestrial lidar for evaluation and calibration of airborne lidar-derived shrub biomass estimates in Arctic tundra. Remote Sensing Letters, 8:2, 175-184, DOI: 10.1080/2150704X.2016.1246770.

Zheng, G., Ma, L.X., Eitel, J.U.H., He, W., Magney, T.S., Moskal, L.M., Li, M.S. 2017. Retrieving directional gap fraction, extinction coefficient, and effective leaf area index by incorporating scan angle information from discrete. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 55(1), 577-590

Berry, K. Jackson S., Cohn, T.C., Matsui K. 2017. Indigenous water histories II; water histories and the cultural politics of water for contemporary Indigenous groups. Water History, Special Issue on Indigenous Water History 1-7.

St. Onge, J. S., and Eitel, K. (2016). Increasing Middle School Students' Energy Literacy. Research in Outdoor Education, 14(1), 41-63.

Delparte, D. M., Richardson, R., Eitel, K., Matsaw, S., & Cohn, T. (2016). Promoting Geoscience STEM Interest in Native American Students: GIS, Geovisualization and Reconceptualizing Spatial Thinking Skills. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 15(5).

Dickerson-Lange, S. E., Eitel, K. B., Dorsey, L., Link, T. E., & Lundquist, J. D. (2016). Challenges and successes in engaging citizen scientists to observe snow cover: from public engagement to an educational collaboration. Journal of Science Communication, 15(01), A01-1.

Squires, A., Jennewein, J., Engels, M., Miller, B.G., Eitel, K. (2016). Integrating watershed science in high school classrooms: The Confluence Approach. Clearing Magazine, 7(1), 14 – 17. Cohn, T.S., Wyckoff, W., Rinella, M., Eitel, J.U.H. 2016. Seems like I hardly see them around anymore: Historical geographies of Cottonwood decline along the Wind River. Water History, 8(4), 405-429, 10.1007/s12685-016-0187-5.

Eitel, J.U.H.,  Höfle, B., Vierling, L.A., Abéllan, A., Asner, G., Deems, J.S., Blennie, C., Joerg, P.C., LeWinter, A., Magney, T.S.*, Mandlburger, G., Morton, D., Müller, J., Vierling, K. 2016. Beyond 3-D: the new spectrum of lidar applications for Earth and Ecological sciences. Remote Sensing of Environment, 186, 372-392.

Eitel, J.U.H., Magney, T.S., Vierling. L.A., Greaves, H.E.*, Zheng, G. 2016. An automated method to quantify crop height and calibrate satellite-derived biomass using hypertemporal lidar. Remote Sensing of Environment, 187, 414-422.

Gersony, J.T., Prager, C.M., Boelman, N.T., Eitel, J.U.H., Gough, L., Greaves, H.E., Griffin, K.L., Magney, T.S., Sweet, S.K., Vierling, L.A., Naeem, S. 2016. Scaling thermal properties from the leaf to the canopy in the Alaskan arctic tundra. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 48(4), 739-754.

Magney, T.S.*, Eitel, J.U.H., Vierling, L.A. 2016. Mapping wheat nitrogen uptake from RapidEye vegetation indices. Precision Agriculture, 17 (4). Ma, L., Zheng, G., Eitel, J.U.H., Magney, T.S.*, Moskal, M. 2016. Determining woody-to-total area ratio using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.06.021

Magney, T.S.*, Eitel, J.U.H., Griffin, K.L., Boelman, N.T., Greaves, H.E.*, Prager, C.M., Logan, B.A., Zheng, G., La, M., Fortin, E.A., Oliver, R.Y., Vierling, L.A. 2016. LiDAR canopy radiation model reveals patterns of photosynthetic partitioning in an Arctic shrub. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 221, 78–93. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.02.007

Corrao, M.*, Heinse, R., Eitel, J.U.H., Cosens, B., Link, T. 2016. Soil Moisture Differences between Terracette Benches and Risers on Semiarid Rangeland Hillslopes. Vadose Zone Journal, 15 (1), 1-10.

Krofcheck, D.J.*, Eitel, J.U.H., Lippitt, C.D., Vierling, L.A., Schulthess, U., Litvak, M.E. 2016. Remote sensing based simple models of GPP in both disturbed and undisturbed pinon-juniper woodlands in the southwestern U.S. Remote Sensing, 8, 2-16.

Magney, T.S.*, Eitel, J.U.H., Huggins, D.R., Vierling, L.A. 2016. Proximal NDVI derived phenology improves in-season predictions of wheat quantity and quality. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 217, 46-60.

Magney, T.S.*, Vierling, L.A., Eitel, J.U.H., Huggins, D.R., Garrity, S.R. 2016. Response of high frequency Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) measurements to environmental conditions in wheat. Remote Sensing of Environment, 173, 84-97.

Ma, L., Zheng, G., Eitel, J.U.H., Moska, M., He, W., Huang, H. 2016. Improved salient feature-based approach for automatically separating photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic components within terrestrial lidar point cloud data of forest canopies. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 54 (2), 679-696.

Zheng, G., Ma, L.X., He, W., Eitel, J.U.H., Moskal, L.M., Zhang, Z.Y. Assessing the contribution of woody materials to forest angular gap fraction and effective leaf area index using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) data. 2016. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 54(3) 1475-1487.

Boelman, N.T., Holbrook, J.D., Greaves, H.E.*, Krause, J.S., Chumura, H.E., Magney, T.S.*, Perez, J.H., Eitel, J.U.H., Gough, L., Vierling, K.T., Wingfield, J.C., Vierling, L.A. 2016. Airborne laser scanning and spectral remote sensing give a bird’s eye perspective on arctic tundra breeding habitat at multiple spatial scales. Remote Sensing of Environment, 184, 337-349.

Boelman, N.T., Magney, T.S., Logan, B.A., Griffin, K.L., Eitel, J.U.H., Greaves, H.E., Prager, C.M., Vierling, L.A. 2016. Spectral determination of concentrations of functionally diverse pigments in increasingly complex arctic tundra canopies. Oecologia, 182(1), 85-97.

Greaves, H.E.*, Vierling, L.A., Eitel, J.U.H., Boelman, N.T., Magney, T.S.*, Prager, C.M., Griffin, K.L. 2016. High-resolution mapping of aboveground shrub biomass in Arctic tundra using lidar and imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment, 184, 361-373

Grayson, L.M.*, Keefe, R.F., Tinkham, W.T., Eitel, J.U.H., Saralecos, J.D., Smith, A.M.S., Zimbelman, E.G. 2016. Accuracy of WAAS-Enabled GPS-RF Warning Signals When Crossing a Terrestrial Geofence. Sensors, 16(6), 912, doi:10.3390/s16060912

Matsui, K., Berry, K., Cohn, T.C., Jackson, S. 2016. Indigenous Water Histories I: Recovering Oral Histories, Interpreting Indigenous Perspectives, and Revealing Hybrid Waterscapes. Water History, Introduction to Special Issue on Indigenous Water History 8(4):357-363.

Redman, I.M., Redman, M., Cohn, T.C. 2016. Teiitooniine’etii: to live quietly, live calmly. Journal of Sustainability Education 11(February).

* Faculty
***Graduate Students

Ma, L.., Zheng, G., Eitel, J.U.H., Moska, M., He, W., Huang, H. In Press. Improved salient feature-based approach for automatically separating photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic components within terrestrial lidar point cloud data of forest canopies. Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

Corrao, M., Cosens, B., Heinse, R, Eitel, J.U.H., Link, T. In Press. Using Science to Bridge Management and Policy: Terracette Hydrologic Function and Water Quality Best Management Practices in Idaho. Rangelands

Veletsianos, G., Miller, B., Eitel, K., Eitel, J., Hougham, J., & Hansen, D. (2015). Lessons Learned from the Design and Development of Technology-Enhanced Outdoor Learning Experiences. Tech Trends.

Anderson, C. L., Miller, B. G., Eitel, K. B., Veletsianos, G., Eitel, J., Hougham, R. J., (2015). Exploring techniques for integrating mobile technology into field-based environmental education. Electronic Journal of Science Education, 19(6).

Greaves, H.E., Vierling, L.A., Eitel, J.U.H., Boelman, N.T., Magney, T.S., Prager, C.M., Griffin, K.L., 2015. Estimating aboveground biomass and leaf area of low-stature Arctic shrubs with terrestrial LiDAR. Remote Sensing of Environment. 164, 26–35. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2015.02.023

Parsons, R., Eitel, J., Whitney, B., Magney, T., Eitel, K., Vierling, L., (In press). Connecting the Dots: Lasers link students to their 3D world. Science Scope, submitted December 2014.

Miller, B.G., Cox, C.J., Hougham, R.J., Walden, V.P., Eitel, K.B., Albano, A. (2015). Adventure Learning as a curricular approach that transcends geographies and connects people to place. The Curriculum Journal, 26(3).

Hougham, R.J., Eitel, K.B., Miller, B.G., (2015). Technology-enriched STEM Investigations of Place: Using Technology to Extend the Senses and Build Connections to and between Places in Science Education. Journal of Geoscience Education, 63(1).

Eitel, K. B., Hougham, R. J., Laninga, T., Fizzell, G., Schon, J. & Hendrickson, D. (2015). Teacher Professional Development for Energy Literacy: A comparison of two approaches. Journal of Sustainability Education, 8(1).

Schon, J.A**., Eitel, K.B., Hougham, R.J., Hendrickson, D. (2015). Creating a research to classroom pipeline: closing the gap between science research and educators. Journal of Sustainability Education, 8(1).

Hougham, R. J., Hollenhorst, S., Schon, J., Eitel, K., Hendrickson, D., Gotch, C., Laninga, T., James, L., Hough, B., Schwartz, D., Pressley, S., Olsen, K., Hasselbach, L., Langitt, Q., Moslemi, J. (2015). Education at the Speed of Research: an overview of the NARA approach to BioEnergy Literacy. Journal of Sustainability Education,8(1).

Hendrickson, D., Corrigan, K., Keefe, A., Shaw, D., Jacob, S., Skelton, L., Schon, J., Eitel, K.B., Hougham, R.J. (2015). Global Sustainability: An Authentic Context for Energy Education. Journal of Sustainability Education, 8(1).

* Faculty
***Graduate Students

*Cavazos Cohn T. 2014. E. Swansen and G. White Man Runs Him. 2014. Placing Ourselves on a Digital Earth: Sense of Place Geoscience Education in Crow Country. Journal of Geoscience Education 62(2):203-216.

Deliorman, M., *Wolfenden, M.L., Suo, Z., Beech, I.B., Yang, X., Avci, R., Immobilization and trapping living bacteria and applications, The Green Book,Biocorrosion Methods, 2014.

*Eitel, J.U.H., ***Magney, T.S., *Vierling, L.A., and Dittmar, G. (2014). Assessment of crop foliar nitrogen using a novel dual-wavelength laser system, and implications for conducting laser-based plant physiology. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 97 (2014): 229-240. doi: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2014.09.009.

*Eitel, J.U.H., ***Magney, T.S., *Vierling L.A., Huggins, D., and Brown, T. (2014). Lidar remote sensing advances quantification of wheat biomass and nitrogen status during the critical early growing season. Field Crops Research,159(2014): 21-32.

*Eitel, K.B., Wilhelm, F., ***Parsons, R., *Eitel, J.U.H. (2014). Lakes Alive! Science Scope. 38(2), 22 – 29.

Klos, Z., Chain-Guadarrama, A., Link, T., Finegan, B., *Vierling, L.A., and Chazdon, R. (2014). Throughfall heterogeneity in tropical forested landscapes as a focal mechanism for deep percolation. Journal of Hydrology, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.10.004.

Krofcheck, D.J., *Eitel, J.U.H., *Vierling, L.A., Schulthess, U., Hilton, T.M., Dettweiler-Robinson, E., Pendleton, R., and Litvak, M.E. (2014). Detecting mortality induced structural and functional changes in a piñon-juniper woodland using Landsat and RapidEye time series. Remote Sensing of Environment.  151: 102-113.  doi:  10.1016/j.rse.2013.11.009.

***Magney, T., Eusden, S., *Eitel, J.U.H., Logan, B.A., Jiang, J., and *Vierling, L.A. (2014). Assessing leaf photoprotective mechanisms using terrestrial LiDAR: Towards mapping canopy photosynthetic performance in three dimensions. New Phytologist, 201(1): 344-356. doi: 10.1111/nph.12453.

**Schon, J., Hougham, R.J., *Eitel, K., & Hollenhorst, S. (2014). The Value of a Tree: Comparing Carbon Sequestration to Forest Products. Science Scope 37(7), 27-35.

**Schon, J., *Eitel, K.B., Bingaman, D., *Miller, B.G., ***Rittenburg, R. (2014). Big Project, Small Leaders: A creek restoration project led by fifth-grade students affects the whole community. Science & Children. 51(9), 48-54.

Vierling, K.T., Swift, C., Vogeler, J., Hudak, A.T., and *Vierling, L.A. (2014). How much does the time lag between wildlife field data collection and LiDAR data acquisition matter for studies of animal distributions? A case study using bird communities. Remote Sensing Letters, 5(2): 185-193. doi: 10.1080/2150704X.2014.891773.

Vogeler, J.C., Hudak, A.T., *Vierling, L.A., Evans, J., Green, P., and Vierling, K.T. (2014). Terrain and vegetation structural influences on local avian species richness in two mixed-conifer forests. Remote Sensing of Environment,147 (2014): 13-22.

* Faculty
***Graduate Students

Avci, R., Davis, B.A., *Wolfenden, M.L., Beech, I.B., Lucas, K., Paul, D. In carbon steel, pits are initiated in the immediate surroundings of MnS inclusions. Corrosion Science, 2013, 76, 267-274.

Charbonnier, F., le Maire, G., Dreyer, E., Casanoves, F., Christina, M., Dauzat, J., *Eitel, J., Vaast, P., *Vierling, L.A., and Roupsard, O. (2013). Competition for light in heterogeneous canopies: application of MAESTRA to a coffee (Coffea arabica L.) agroforestry system. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 181 (2013):152–169.

*Cavazos Cohn, T. 2013. Review of the Book A Natural and Human History of the Colorado by Wade Davis. Colorado Review. Spring.

*Eitel, J.U.H., *Vierling, L.A., and ***Magney, T. (2013). A lightweight, low cost, autonomously operating terrestrial laser scanner for quantifying and monitoring ecosystem structural dynamics. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 180 (2013): 86-96.

*Eitel, K.B., Hougham, R.J., & *Miller, B.G., **Schon, J. & LaPaglia, K. (2013). Upload/download: Empowering students through technology-enabled problem-based learning. Science Scope. 36(7).

***Goldberg, A.R., Davis, J.C., *Eitel, K.B. (2013). Bringing authentic landscapes into the classroom: Using erosion models to connect science and engineering practices. Science Scope. 37(4).

Groenewold, G.S., Cannon, W.R., Lessing, P.A., Avci, R., Deliorman, M., *Wolfenden, M.L., Akers, D.W., Jewell, K., Zuck L.D. Characterization of polymeric films subjected to lithium ion beam irradiation. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B. 2013, 296, 41-49

Hougham, R.J., *Miller, B.G., *Eitel, K.B., Hogue Mackenzie, S., Stafford Son, J., **Thompson, G. (2013). Adventure Learning to Promote GreenSTEM Education and Physical Activity in Schools. Published proceedings of the 13th Annual Symposium for Experiential Education Research. Denver, Colorado.

Lysne, S.J., *Miller, B.G. & *Eitel, K.B. (2013). Two-Year Community: Exploring Student Engagement in an Introductory Biology Course. Journal of College Science Teaching. 43(2)

***Magney, T., *Eitel, K.B., Jansen, V., *Eitel, J.U.H., **Schon, J., ***Rittenburg, B., and *Vierling, L.A. (2013). Keeping a (digital) eye on our planet’s clock. The Science Teacher 80(1): 37-43.

Martinuzzi, S., Gould, W., *Vierling, L.A., Hudak, A.T., Nelson, R., and Evans, J. (2013). Quantifying tropical dry forest type and succession: substantial improvement with LiDAR. Biotropica 45(2): 135-146. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-7429.2012.00904.x.

Meddens, A.J.H., Hicke, J.A., *Vierling, L.A., and Hudak, A.T. (2013). Evaluating methods to detect bark beetle-caused tree mortality using single-date and multi-date Landsat imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment 132: 49-58.

*Miller, B. G., Hougham, R. J., & *Eitel, K. B. (2013). Adventure learning in action: Practical enactment strategies for educators. Tech Trends, 57.4.

Naupari, J.A.,* Vierling, L.A., *Eitel, J.U.H. 2013. Delineating native and invasive plant functional groups in shrub-steppe vegetation using bidirectional reflectance. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 7 (1), doi: 10.1117/1.JRS.7.073563

Ñaupari, J.A., *Vierling, L.A., and *Eitel, J.U.H. (2013). Delineating native and invasive plant functional groups in shrub-steppe vegetation using bidirectional reflectance. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 7(1), 073563; doi: 10.1117/1.JRS.7.073563.

Sakamuri, R.M., *Wolfenden, M.L., Anderson, A.S., Swanson, B.I., Schmidt, J.S., Mukundan, H. Novel optical strategies for biodetection, Proc. SPIE 8812, Biosensing and Nanomedicine VI, 881209 September, 2013

*Vierling, L.A., Vierling, K.T., Adam, P., and Hudak, A.T. (2013). Using satellite and airborne LiDAR to model woodpecker habitat occupancy at the landscape scale. PLOS ONE, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0080988.

Vogeler, J.C., Hudak, A.T., *Vierling, L.A., and Vierling, K.T. (2013). LiDAR-derived canopy architecture predicts Brown Creeper occupancy of two western coniferous forests. The Condor, 115(3): 614-622.

* Faculty

Cloninger, M.J., Bilgicer, B., Li, L., Mangold, S., Philips, S.T., *Wolfenden, M.L. Multivalency, Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials. Gale, P. A., Steedman, J. W. Wiley. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012.

Hougham, R. J., *Eitel, K. B., & *Miller, B. G. (2012). AL@: Combining the strengths of adventure learning and place based education. CLEARING Compendium.

Hougham, R. J.,** Schon, J.A., *Eitel, K.B., & Hollenhorst, S.A. (2012). Education at the Speed of Research: Communicating the Science of Biofuels. Published Proceedings of the Sun Grant Initiative. New Orleans, LA.

Hudak, A.T., Strand, E.K., *Vierling, L.A., Byrne, J.C., *Eitel, J.U.H., Martinuzzi, S., and Falkowski, M.J. (2012). Quantifying aboveground forest carbon pools and fluxes from repeat LiDAR surveys. Remote Sensing of Environment 123 (2012): 25-40. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2012.02.023.

Rodhouse, T. J., Ormsbee, P.C., Irvine, K.M., *Vierling, L.A., Szewczak, J.M., and Vierling, K.T. (2012). Assessing the status and trend of bat populations across broad geographic regions with dynamic distribution models. Ecological Applications 22(4): 1098-1113.

Veletsianos, G., *Miller, B., *Eitel, K.B., *Eitel, J.U.H. & Hougham, R.J. (2012). Localizing Adventure Learning: Teachers and Students as Expedition Leaders and Members. In P. Resta (Ed.),Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2012 (pp. 2164-2169). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

*Vierling, L.A., Yu, Y., *Eitel, J.U.H., and Oldow, J.S. (2012). Shrub characterization using terrestrial laser scanning and implications for airborne LiDAR assessment. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 38(6): 709-722.

*Wolfenden, M.L., Sakamuri, R.M., Anderson, A.S., Prasad, L., Schmidt, J. S., Mukundan, H. E. Coli viability determination through surface bound siderophore bacterial capture. Advances in Biological Chemistry, 2012, 2, 396-402.

* Faculty

*Eitel, J.U.H., *Vierling, L.A., Litvak, M.E., Long, D.S., Schulthess, U., Ager, A.A., Krofcheck, D., and Stocheck, L. (2011). Broadband, red-edge information from satellites improves early stress detection in a New Mexico conifer woodland. 115: 3640-3646. Remote Sensing of Environment, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2011.09.002.

*Eitel, J.U.H., *Vierling, L.A., Long, D., and Hunt, E.R. (2011). Early season remote sensing of wheat nitrogen status using a green scanning laser. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151 (2011) 1338– 1345. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2011.05.015.

*Eitel, J.U.H., *Vierling, L.A., Long, D.S., Litvak, M.E., and *Eitel, K.B. (2011). Simple assessment of needleleaf and broadleaf chlorophyll content using a flatbed color scanner. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41: 1445–1451. doi:10.1139/X11-05.

*Eitel, J.U.H., Williams, J., *Vierling, L.A., Al-Hamdan, O., and Pierson, F. (2011). Suitability of terrestrial laser scanning for studying surface roughness effects on concentrated flow erosion processes in rangelands. Catena 87: 398-407. doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2011.07.009.

Garrity, S.R.,* Eitel, J.U.H., and *Vierling, L.A. (2011). Disentangling the relationships between plant pigments and the photochemical reflectance index reveals a new approach for remote estimation of carotenoid content. Remote Sensing of Environment, 115, 628-635. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2010.10.007.

Goldberg, C.S., Pocewicz, A., Nielsen-Pincus, M., Waits, L.P., Morgan, P., Force, J.E., and *Vierling, L.A. (2011). Predictions of ecological and social impacts of alternative residential development policies to inform decision making in a rural landscape. Conservation Letters doi: 10.1111/j.1755-263X.2011.00194.x.

Hunt, E.R., Daughtry, C.S.T., *Eitel, J.U.H., Long, D.S. 2011. Remote sensing chlorophyll content at leaf and canopy scales using a visible band index. Agronomy Journal, 103, 1090-1099.

Jensen, J.R., Humes, K.S., Hudak, A.T., *Vierling, L.A., and Delmelle, E. (2011). Evaluation of the MODIS LAI product using independent lidar-derived LAI: a case study in mixed conifer forest. Remote Sensing of Environment, 115 (12): 3625-3639. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2011.08.023.

Meddens, A., Hicke, J.A., and *Vierling, L.A. (2011). Evaluating the potential of multispectral imagery for mapping multiple stages of tree mortality. Remote Sensing of Environment, 115, 1632-1642.

Rodhouse, T.J., Irvine, K.M., Vierling, K.T., and *Vierling, L.A. (2011). Estimating temporal trend in the presence of spatial complexity: a Bayesian hierarchical model for a wetland plant population undergoing restoration. PLoS ONE 6(12): e28635. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028635.

Sankey, J.B., *Eitel, J.U.H., Glenn, N.F., Germino, M.J., and *Vierling, L.A. (2011). Quantifying relationships of burning, roughness, and potential dust emission with laser altimetry of soil surfaces at submeter scales. Geomorphology, 135: 181-190. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.08.016.

Vierling, K.T., Bässler, C., Brandl, R., *Vierling, L.A., Weiß, I., and Müller, J. (2011). Spinning a laser web: predicting spider distributions using lidar. Ecological Applications, 21:577–588. doi: 10.1890/09-2155.1.

*Vierling, L. A., Martinuzzi, S., Asner, G.P., Stoker, J., and Johnson, B.R. (2011). Lidar: providing structure. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 9(5): 261-262. doi:10.1890/11.WB.009.

*Wolfenden, M.L., Cloninger, M.J., Carbohydrates and Multivalency, Carbohydrate Recognition: Biological problems, methods and application. Wang, B., Boons, G-J. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2011.


Bingaman, D. & *Eitel, K.C.B. (2010). Boulder Creek Study. Science & Children, 47(6), 52 – 57.

*Eitel, J.U.H., Keefe, R.F., Long, D.S., Davis, A.S., and *Vierling, L.A. (2010). Active ground optical remote sensing for improved monitoring of seedling stress in nurseries. Sensors, 10(4), 2843-2850; doi:10.3390/s100402843.

*Eitel, J.U.H.,* Vierling, L.A., and Long, D. (2010). Simultaneous measure of plant structure and chlorophyll content in broadleaf saplings with a terrestrial laser scanner. Remote Sensing of Environment, 114 (2010) 2229–2237; doi:10.1016/j.rse.2010.04.025.

Garrity, S.R., *Vierling, L.A., and Bickford, K. (2010). A simple filtered photodiode instrument for continuous measurement of narrowband NDVI and PRI. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 150(3): 489-496. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2010.01.004.

Holden, Z.A., Morgan, P., Smith, A.M.S., and *Vierling, L. (2010). Beyond Landsat: multi-scale assessment of four satellite sensors for detecting burn severity in ponderosa pine forests of the Gila Wilderness, NM, USA. International Journal of Wildland Fire 19, 449–458.

Nielsen-Pincus, M., Goldberg, C.S., Pocewicz, A., Force, J.E., Waits, L.P., Morgan, P., and *Vierling, L.A. (2010). Predicted effects of residential development on a northern Idaho landscape under alternative growth management and land protection policies. Landscape and Urban Planning, 94: 255-263.

Smith, A.M.S., *Eitel, J.U.H., and Hudak, A.T. 2010. Spectral Analysis of Charcoal on Soils: Implications for Wildland Fire Severity Mapping Methods. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 19: 976-983.

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