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FCS Connections, January 2024

Director’s Message

Greetings from the beautiful and historic Mary Hall Niccolls Building where family and consumer sciences faculty, staff and students continue to learn, study and make great strides related to the science and the art of living and working well in our complex world.

Our progress and programs continue to be strong, forward thinking and bold — helping students develop lifelong skills that propel them into living balanced lives and securing meaningful careers. Our school and its resources also solidly support a culture that allows faculty to use rigorous scientific methods and state-of-the-science technology to conduct research and creative scholarship that challenge dogma and push the limits. And, very importantly, we continue to support our faculty, staff and students so they can develop professionally and enhance their lives and careers. We strive to balance the challenges of work with the “bigger picture” of life in all that we do.

The last few months have been incredible for FCS in so many ways. For example, led by Dietetics Director and Assistant Clinical Professor Hydee Becker, our unique 3+2 (bachelor’s and master’s) program in dietetics was recently nationally reviewed and accredited until 2031. This new graduate program along with our newly established master’s and doctorate in nutritional sciences degrees have helped greatly bolster the graduate education we can offer in FCS. The Margaret Ritchie School of Family and Consumer Sciences currently supports a whopping 33 graduate students (the second highest number in the college), and we are on a trajectory to welcome scores of additional graduate students when we have the capacity to do so. It is particularly noteworthy that our newly state-approved doctorate in nutritional sciences is the first doctoral degree in the school’s long and rich history — something our founders and emeritus faculty would surely be pleased about. In just its first semester of existence, this doctorate program already has attracted four doctoral students who are each conducting an incredible range of funded research related to nutrition and health. As soon as we have the capacity, FCS will put forth additional doctorate programs which will not only help us achieve our holistic mission but will also immediately contribute to the university’s goal of reaching Carnegie “R1” status.

In addition to this growth in graduate students and research output, we are absolutely bursting at the seams in terms of undergraduate enrollment. Compared with last fall, this year we welcomed an additional 41 students to FCS. We are proud of the fact that this increase represented the majority (>60%) of the total enrollment increase in CALS. Our total enrollment (undergraduate and graduate) is currently 229 students, and we are now brainstorming ways to accommodate this growth. Indeed, many of our studios and classrooms are overcrowded, our graduate student office is well over capacity, and we have limited faculty numbers to teach the large number of required classes that span our multidisciplinary fields. Growing pains are great because they reflect the fact that we are making progress and training the next generation. But solving these challenges will require creativity, innovation and investment.

This fall we were especially pleased to welcome Adrianne Griebel-Thompson to our faculty ranks. Griebel-Thompson, an assistant professor and Extension specialist, is an expert regarding the nutritional health of moms and babies and will serve as our new statewide nutrition and health expert. You can read more about Adrianne as well as many of FCS’ current activities, awards and initiatives in this newsletter.

I would like to extend my personal congratulations to all the FCS students (both undergraduate and graduate) who received their degrees from the University of Idaho in December. In addition, hats off to our very own Trevor White (academic advisor) who earned his master’s degree. The power of higher education is absolute, and it’s great to see lifelong learners like Trevor practice what we preach. Congratulations!

Please stop in and see us the next time you are on the Palouse. We would love to hear from you. I sincerely hope you enjoy this edition of FCS Connections. 

Shelley McGuireSincerely,

Shelley McGuire, Ph.D.
Director and Professor of Nutrition


Our Stories

A woman sits inside an apparel design studio.

A New Design Frontier

Western wear — in particular men’s western workwear — wasn’t something Tess Richardson had given much thought to in the past. That all changed during summer 2023 when the University of Idaho apparel, textiles and design student completed an internship with Boot Barn in Irvine, California.

A senior from Andover, Minnesota, Richardson’s previous design experience mostly focused on clothing for herself or her friends. The Boot Barn internship pushed her outside her comfort zone and allowed her to grow as a designer.

“It was challenging to learn to design for a new consumer,” she said. “I was designing for someone who was very much not myself but, in the end, I really enjoyed it. The hardest part was learning to design within this box while still being creative.”

Read the full story

Two sets of women's hands with patterns.

Cut from Caring Cloth

University of Idaho’s Apparel, Textiles and Design Club is making reusable menstrual pads from scrap fabric, which club representatives will hand deliver to impoverished women in rural Guatemala during an upcoming humanitarian mission.

The club accepted an invitation from Washington State University’s nutrition program to participate in an annual trip to South America, led by the Indiana-based philanthropic organization Hearts in Motion.

For several years, WSU biological sciences Professor Kathy Beerman has taken students to Guatemala with Hearts in Motion to help screen residents for diabetes and iron deficiency. Physicians also participate, conducting surgeries to remedy neglected medical problems among the population such as cleft palates in children.

Beerman, who also teaches a nutrition class at U of I, heard reports that many Guatemalan women who badly needed health care nonetheless skipped appointments with Hearts in Motion, unable to afford menstrual pads and concerned about leaving home while menstruating. At a student’s urging, the WSU contingent brought a batch of menstrual pads to distribute during a past Hearts in Motion trip. Recipients of the pads were overwhelmed with gratitude.

Beerman saw an opportunity for her friends at U of I’s Margaret Ritchie School of Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) to join the effort by making reusable pads.

Two FCS faculty members — instructor Chelsey Lewallen and Professor Sonya Meyer — as well as a student in the school’s apparel, textiles and design program will make the 10-day trip to Guatemala with Hearts in Motion beginning in the second week of May. They’ll visit several small villages, making a stop at an orphanage, delivering assistance before enjoying a couple of days of recreation in Antigua.

After a two-student design team creates a reusable pad prototype, the club will host workshops to mass-produce about 400 of them. They’ll be evaluating different types of absorbent batting to use, including bamboo-based and polyurethane products. They’ll purchase any necessary supplies with funds accrued through prior club fundraisers.

For more than three decades, Hearts in Motion has sent humanitarian teams to South and Central America, offering medical care and providing assistance with basic needs. Lewallen hopes to make the trip an annual tradition, including many more students in future years.

“This is our test run where our main goal is to distribute reusable pads and get a lay of the land to see how we can help them best,” Lewallen said. “In the future, I think it could turn into a faculty-led study abroad course.”

Guatemala has a rich history regarding textile production, known for beautiful weavings and hand-dyed fabrics. Meyer helped resurrect a spring weaving program at U of I, and she hopes she and her students will have the opportunity to visit weavers and dyers in Guatemala.

In the future, Lewallen also anticipates she and her students will share their skills with residents of Guatemala, offering classes on mending and repairing garments.

“We don’t know exactly how this is going to map out, but we have a lot of students who are very excited to help,” Lewallen said. “I could see this being a really wonderful experience and a win-win situation for a lot of people.”

Two women smiling to each other.
Senior ATD students Tess Richardson (left) and Chloe McDougal (right) develop patterns for the reusable pad project. Two faculty members and two students will take a trip down to Guatemala in May to distribute 400 reusable pads that ATD students and club members will construct this spring to give to women in rural Guatemala.
A woman holding a microphone.

U of I Faculty Member Aiding in Alcohol Recommendations

A University of Idaho faculty member will serve on a committee of experts tasked with reviewing scientific literature to guide new health recommendations for Americans regarding the consumption of alcohol.

Shelley McGuire, director of the Margaret Ritchie School of Family and Consumer Sciences, is a leading researcher of human milk science whose expertise will help the committee tackle questions about the effects of alcohol consumption during lactation on milk composition and quality, as well as post-partum weight loss.

Last fall, McGuire became the first faculty member to be inducted into the vaunted National Academy of Medicine (NAM) while employed at an Idaho institution. NAM is a private, nonprofit organization that includes more than 2,400 members worldwide elected by their peers. It is among three academies comprising the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.

As a new academy member, McGuire will help inform national health policy and offer guidance on human health research priorities. She also will help select future academy members and will be granted priority to serve on committees of experts commissioned by the academy to draft reports on pressing scientific questions.

“We’re going to determine if there’s even enough science out there to make recommendations and we will summarize the literature,” McGuire said.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans are updated every five years, and new guidelines are due to be released in 2025. The current guidelines offer the first dietary recommendations for children up to 2 years old, advising that mothers breastfeed newborn infants.

The guidelines advise against pregnant women drinking any alcohol, but current recommendations for breastfeeding mothers are vague: “Generally, moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages by a woman who is lactating is not known to be harmful to the infant, especially if the woman waits at least two hours to breastfeed. Women considering alcohol during lactation should talk to their health care providers.”

The nine-member committee includes representatives from some of the nation’s most prestigious institutions, such as Cornell University, Johns Hopkins University and University of North Carolina. Their first meeting took place Jan. 10-12 in Washington, D.C.

The committee will also summarize literature regarding alcohol’s effects on obesity, body composition, cancer risk, cardiovascular disease risk, neurocognitive health and general mortality. The committee’s actions will also have significant political ramifications.

“If the federal government comes out and says breastfeeding women should not drink then you have two whole phases of the lifespan who aren’t supposed to drink, and we have a pretty big alcohol industry in this country,” McGuire said.

After reviewing the literature, the committee may determine there’s insufficient data to offer guidance on some of the questions. In such circumstances, committee members sometimes take it upon themselves to collaborate and produce additional science.

“All of a sudden, you’ve spent dozens of hours and meals with high-level scientists and you think, ‘Well, we could answer that question,’” McGuire said.

McGuire has a history of providing crucial information to guide decisions by breastfeeding mothers. Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, she helped lead a research team that allayed fears among COVID-19-positive mothers about breastfeeding, finding their breastmilk supplies infants with crucial antibodies.

Portrait of a woman.

Virtual Cotton

Lori Wahl’s digital pattern making and technical design students can perfect attributes such as the drape, stretch, transparency and stiffness of the garments they dream up without sewing a stitch or making a cut.

Tapping a diverse catalog of virtual fabrics to design patterns on digital platforms — Optitex to create the patterns and Browswear to complete the prototypes — her students can tweak and refresh their apparel simulations to hone their designs. The software includes features such as tension maps that realistically mimic wrinkles, drag lines, snug areas and other potential fit problems.

“When we print out the pattern and actually cut it and sew it up, we have very few big fit issues. It’s just minor stuff,” said Wahl, senior instructor of apparel, textiles and design in University of Idaho’s Margaret Ritchie School of Family and Consumer Sciences.

Cotton Incorporated, which is the cotton industry’s trade association, recently awarded Wahl a $5,400 grant to have students incorporate any of a host of 100% cotton or majority cotton fabrics into their apparel designs from its virtual FABRICAST library of fabric samples. Students taking the course in the spring semester will each receive $200 from the grant to buy fabrics and materials to turn their virtual prototypes into physical, child-sized garments.

The apparel design industry rapidly adopted virtual garment-making software amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

FABRICAST contains hundreds of diverse fabric options. Fabrics may be shiny, moisture-wicking, stiff, soft, wrinkle-free or fuzzy based in the real world on how the cotton threads are woven, treated, hot rolled, frayed or otherwise processed. Despite the countless options, Wahl finds her students have limited exposure to experimenting with different types of fabric.

“I’m really hoping this opens their eyes to all of the different fabrics that are out there, and I’m hoping this opens their eyes to trying stuff,” Wahl said.

Students will be asked to consider sustainability in their designs, and the use of cotton fabrics moves them closer toward that end. The apparel and textile industry ranks as the world’s fourth largest polluter, as fabric is wasted both when patterns are cut and when clothing is prematurely thrown away.

“The big thing now with cotton is the interest in sustainability. There are a lot of things you can do with cotton you can’t do with synthetics and the big thing is biodegradability,” Wahl said.

In addition to decomposing far more quickly than synthetic materials, cotton apparel can be converted into insulation or recycled to make new thread. Furthermore, the U.S. is a major cotton producer, reducing transportation in the production process, thereby saving on fuel.

Monetary awards will be given to students who produce the top five designs, and the projects will be displayed for public viewing next spring.

A decorated desert dish.

Class Serves up Memorable Meals

Katie Miner’s quantity food production and equipment students helped make November an especially great month to be part of the Margaret Ritchie School of Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) faculty.

Miner, a senior instructor in the school, had her class carefully plan four creative, thematic menus for large groups, applying the skills they learned in her two-credit lab. Guests who were fortunate enough to critique the students’ work enjoyed unique and carefully prepared feasts, as well as an opportunity to socialize with colleagues and new acquaintances.

The elaborate lunches were served every Wednesday of November. FCS faculty, friends and family members of students in the class and leadership within the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences were invited to fill up to 32 seats in the school’s dining room. The eight food and nutrition students also made plenty of food to feed themselves.

“Sometimes Mom and Grandma come,” Miner said. “We had one this year where it was a child-geared theme. Several of our faculty had young children and brought them to the meal.”

Miner has taught the lab since 2004, slightly varying the format of the group meals each year based on the size of the class and other factors. During the COVID-19 pandemic, for example, they switched to a take-out menu format.

Early in the course, students focus on learning how to use the quantity foodservice equipment properly. In October, they shift focus to menu planning and production. They also work rotations in large-scale food service facilities, such as a campus eatery and local school district kitchens. Their food service shifts count toward experiential learning hours required for a dietetics degree.

In her most recent class, Miner’s students worked in pairs, each assigned a meal to plan. Their classmates served as the kitchen staff.

One lunch had a Sugar Rush Speedway theme and was especially popular with the children of faculty. Guests were given supplies and instructions for building their own candy go-karts, based on the children’s movie “Wreck-it Ralph.” Students grilled steaks for another Casino Night-themed lunch. A space-themed menu included marshmallow stormtroopers floating in mugs of hot chocolate. At another lunch, guests got to try food from the fantasy video game “Genshin Impact.”

“Creativity is part of food service and menu planning and recipe development, so it helps them tap into that side,” Miner said. “Some of them come away really proud of the fact that they thought of something unique, and they haven’t really had that experience before.”

Early in the class, the students must earn a food-safety certification. They’re also asked to design their menus according to a budget. Having food prepared on time is another crucial aspect of the course.

Guests submit evaluations of each meal. The student planners must present the feedback to their classmates, as well as what went well and what they would have done differently.

The experience increases exposure for Miner’s program and facilitates networking.

“It gives the opportunity for students to talk with faculty and network in a more casual setting and not just in the classroom, and faculty get to make connections with each other,” Miner said.

A decorated desert table.
Guests got to make candy go-karts for the Sugar Rush Speedway-themed meal served by students in a unique food production and equipment course.
Portrait of a woman.

New Nutrition Specialist Launches Monthly Nutrition Column

The Margaret Ritchie School of Family and Consumer Sciences welcomed a new nutrition specialist, Adrianne Griebel-Thompson in 2023.

Griebel-Thompson has already launched a monthly nutrition column that’s now running in papers in eastern and southern Idaho, called “Nutrition Myth Busters.” She reasons everyone eats, and therefore food and nutrition are topics that individuals from vastly different backgrounds can relate to.

Griebel-Thompson is a registered dietitian, certified lactation counselor and a maternal and infant nutrition scientist. She has a bachelor’s in dietetics from the University of Northern Colorado, a master’s in food science and human nutrition from the University of Wyoming, and a doctorate in medical nutrition science from the University of Kansas Medical Center. She is particularly passionate about breastfeeding and human milk, an interest that began while she was employed by the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC). Her goal is to improve the lives of women and their children through optimal nutrition during pregnancy, breastfeeding and infancy.

She currently runs the UI Extension program Gem State Nutrition.

Griebel-Thompson grew up in small towns in North Dakota, Colorado and Wyoming. Her family moved around because her father worked in the oil and gas industry where relocation is common due to the ever-unpredictable boom-and-bust cycles. In 2009, she graduated from Rawlins High School in Rawlins, Wyoming. Her husband, Connor, also from Rawlins, is an attorney who specialized in energy and the environment. She and her husband have a daughter, Adelia. Griebel-Thompson also loves animals, specifically her mini-Aussie Bella, baking treats, running and reading when she has time for hobbies.

Read Griebel-Thompson’s inaugural “Nutrition Myth Busters” column, published Dec. 4 in the Idaho Press, based in Nampa.

A group of women holding alumni awards.

Faculty and Student Success

Three apparel, textiles and design students Chloe McDougal, Claire Smith and Tess Richardson were honored, along with their mentors Chelsey Lewallen, Sonya Meyer and Lori Wahl during the U of I Alumni Award Ceremony in November. Abril Correa in child development along with mentor Shiyi Chen and WendyAnn Fields in early childhood education were also honored. 

Trevor White, an academic advisor and peer leader liaison, and Krista Soria, an assistant professor of adult organizational learning and leadership, published a chapter in the book “Race and Rurality: Considerations for Advancing Higher Education Equity.” Their chapter is titled “Mentorship and Belonging Among Students of Color at Rural Colleges and Universities.”

The apparel, textiles and design degree program sponsored the revival of Boise Fashion Week in October and was featured in promotional and event materials.

Apparel, textiles and design students Torrey Long, Zackary Goodnature, Kaylee Flodin and Angeles Magana showed off their designs to the community last spring in the Senior Capstone Showcase, which is the culmination of their studies.

Claire Smith, a student in apparel, textiles and design became the first U of I Trademark and Licensing intern.

FCS Director Shelley McGuire participated in the U of I’s first Power of Possibility Talks (video). Her speech was titled “Understanding Milk.”

Senior Instructor Sara Matthews presented her work on open AI in higher education and teacher preparation programs at the National Association for the Education of Young Children annual conference in Nashville in November.

Hydee Becker is annual meeting planning chair of the Idaho Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Meeting, which includes the Margaret Ritchie School of Family and Consumer Sciences among its sponsors and is scheduled for April 11-12 at the Best Western Plus University Inn in Moscow.

Kaylee Flodin’s Wistman Woods coat was displayed at the International Textile and Apparel Association conference in Baltimore in November.

Amy Flack, who graduated in December with a bachelor’s degree in child development, has landed a job with the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare as development specialist with the Infant Toddler Program North Hub.

Sonya Meyer, professor of textiles, apparel and design, is the chair-elect of the Phi Upsilon Omicron National FCS Honor Society Educational Foundation Board and will become director of the board in the fall, beginning a two-year term.

An exhibit will remain on display at the U of I Sandpoint Organic Agriculture Center through early- to mid-March featuring items from the Leila Old Historic Costume Collection. Charlene Carpenter, a cultural anthropology major and collection work-study student, curated the exhibit and Professor Sonya Meyer is the curator of the collection.

Chelsey Lewallen, instructor of apparel, textiles and design, will launch her new book, "Clothing Alterations and Repairs: Maintaining a Sustainable Wardrobe," at 3 p.m. April 13 at the 1912 Center, 412 E. Third St., Moscow.

Research Corner

Shiyi Chen, Ling-Ling Tsao and Rebecca Sermeno were among the authors of a paper published online on Nov. 18, 2023 in “Educational Psychology and Counseling,” titled “Determine the Impact of Emotive Intelligent Spaces on Children’s Behavioral and Cognitive Outcomes.”

Shiyi Chen, Rebecca Sermeno and Nikki Hodge have been selected to present at the Cognitive Development Society 2024 Annual Conference about using a metacognition-driven experiential early childhood learning program to improve science education and children’s self-regulated learning in rural Idaho.

Shiyi Chen, Ling-Ling Tsao and Rebecca Sermeno were among the authors of “Determining the Effect of Emotive Intelligent Spaces on Young Children’s Self-regulation and Cognitive Performance, published in “Cogent Education.”

Nikki Hodge, Shiyi Chen and Rebecca Sermeno have been accepted to present at the American Psychological Science Association 2024 Annual Conference on exploring the relationship between parental stress and child behavior.

Abril Correa and Shiyi Chen presented in August 2023 at the American Psychological Association Annual Conference in Washington, D.C., on the self-image of adult children of alcoholics.

Shelley McGuire and Mark McGuire are part of a team that received a $469,897 grant through the National Institutes of Health titled “A Multi-omics Approach to Understanding Impact of Cannabis Use on Human Milk Composition.”

Shelley McGuire gave several presentations during 2023: “The Human Milk Microbiome: The Good, The Bad and the Unknown,” annual meeting of the National Academy of Medicine in Washington, D.C. in October; “Beyond the Science: Soft Skills for Professionals,” annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition in Boston in July; “What? I thought milk was sterile!” and “COVID-19 Breastfeeding and Human Milk — Are We Ready for the Next Pandemic?” Idaho Breastfeeding Summit keynote speaker in Boise in June; and “Serendipity, Curiosity and the Human Milk Microbiome,” University of Nebraska invited seminar speaker in March.

  • Holdsworth EA, Williams JE, Pace RM, Lane AA, Garstein M, McGuire MA, McGuire MK, Meehan CL. Breastfeeding patterns are associated with human milk microbiome composition: the MIMBES study. PLoS ONE 18(8), e0287839.
  • Caffé B, Fehrenkamp BD, Williams JE, Pace RM, Lackey KL, Ruíz L, Rodríguez JM, McGuire MA, Foster JA, Sellen DW, Kamau-Mbuthia EW, Kamundia EW, Mbugua S, Moore SE, Prentice AM, Kvist LJ, Otoo GE, Pareja RG, Bode L, Gebeyehu D, Gindola DK, Boothman S, Flores K, McGuire MK, Meehan CL. Variation in human milk immune factors by maternal nutritional status and infant sex: The INSPIRE Study. Am J Hum Biol. 35 (11), e23943.
  • Tabb DL, Jeong K, Druart K, Gant MS, Brown KA, Nicora C, Zhou M, McGuire MK, Chamot-Rooke J. Comparing top-down proteoform identification: deconvolution, PrSM overlap, and PTM detection. J Proteome Research. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.2c00673.
  • Smilowitz JT, Allen L, Dallas D, McManaman J, Raiten DJ, Rozga M, Sela DA, Seppo A, Williams JE, Young B, McGuire MK. Ecologies, synergies, and biological systems shaping human milk composition — a report from Breastmilk Ecology and the Genesis of Infant Nutrition (BEGIN) Working Group 2. Am J Clin Nutr, 117, S28-S42.
  • Couvillion SP, Mostoller KE, Williams JE, Pace RM, Stohel IL, Peterson HK, Nicolra CD, Nakayusa ES, Webb-Robertson B-JM, McGuire MA, McGuire MK, Metz TO. Interrogating the milk microbiome in the multi-omics era. Front Microbiol. 14:1105675. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1105675.
  • Chen, S., Phillips, B., & Dong, S. (2024). Language teaching belief-practice alignment among preschool teachers serving children from low-SES backgrounds. Teaching and Teacher Education. 104(2024), 104465,
  • Chen, S., Geesa, R., Song, H., & Izci, B (accepted, will present in 2024) Early childhood teachers’ metacognitive dialogue support and teaching strategies – Evidence from an observational study. Eastern Educational Research Association annual conference. Clearwater, FL.
  • Chen, S. & Meize, G, & Dousay, T. (2023). Grow to Learn: A metacognitive approach to early science education. Journal of Research in Science and Technological Education.
  • Izci, B., Geesa, R., Chen, S., & Song, H. (2023). Daily routines and coping behaviors of children and caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic. 32(1), 47-70.
  • Chen, S. & McDunn, B. (2022). Metacognitive control and monitoring in children’s learning outcomes. Learning and Motivation, 78(9), 101786.
  • Chen, S. (presented in August 2023) Using A Gardening curriculum and professional development to improve rural early science education. American Psychological Association annual conference. Washington, DC.
  • Chen, S., Cerruti, M., Ghandi, M., & Tsao, L. (presented in August 2023). Determine the impact of environmental colors on children’s behavioral and cognitive outcomes. American Psychological Association annual conference. Washington, DC.
  • Chen, S., Geesa, R., Hyuksoon, S., & Izci, B. (presented in March 2023). Investigating metacognitive awareness’ role in early science education among Head Start Teachers.
  • Chen, S. (presented in March 2023). Grow to Learn: A metacognition-driven early childhood teachers’ science professional development. Society for Research in Child Development biennial conference. Salt Lake City, UT.
  • Griesdorn, T., Erickson, L., Delgadillo, L. 2023. Financial behavior and financial wellbeing. In Xiao, J.J. Kumar, S. (Eds.), A research agenda for consumer financial behavior (pp. 259-272). Edward Eldar Publishing.
  • Luke Erickson made the following national peer-reviewed presentations: Holistic Financial Health. National Personal Finance Seminar (Virtual). Hosted by University of Maryland. May 11, 2023. InTuition, Association of Financial Counseling Planning and Education (AFCPE), New Orleans, Louisiana, Nov. 30, 2023.

Featured Events

  • Vandal Giving Day donations will be accepted from 10 a.m. to 5:48 p.m. | April 2-3
  • Idaho Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Meeting | April 11-12
  • Kara Richardson Whitely, CEO of The GORGEous Agency, will speak about inclusivity in the outdoor apparel market, body positivity and eating disorder awareness | April 12
  • IdahoSTARS: University of Idaho Child Development Conference | May 18
  • Apparel, textiles and design degree program will sponsor Boise Fashion Week 2024 | June 6-8, Boise
  • Summer Design Days | June 26-29

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