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Presidential Memos

Memos and other communications from University of Idaho President C. Scott Green and his leadership team are sent periodically to the university community.

TO: University of Idaho Students and Employees
FROM: Scott Green, President
DATE: Nov. 13, 2023
SUBJECT: Vandal Strong Continues to See Us Through

None of us can, or should, forget where we were a year ago today when we learned that four vibrant, bright and hopeful students were needlessly taken from us. We live with the horror of that day still. Yet, from it we learned how strong, resilient and supportive the Vandal Family is.

The smiling faces and youthful exuberance of Ethan Chapin, Xana Kernodle, Madison Mogen and Kaylee Goncalves will live in our memories forever. While we remember them, I am heartened by our students and the inspiration each brings to our university. The vigil the students will lead at 6 p.m. tonight, Nov. 13, on the Administration Lawn shows the deep compassion, care and love our students share for the Vandal Family.

For those unable to be at the vigil, please join me in turning on your porch light tonight during the vigil as we unite in solidarity as a Vandal Family.

Scott Green

TO: University of Idaho Students and Employees
FROM: Scott Green, President
DATE: Aug. 1, 2023
SUBJECT: Possibilities for Affiliation Discussed This Fall

The closing weeks of summer term are upon us. In a matter of days, returning students will migrate back to our beautiful campus and classrooms around the state, eager to begin the next semester in their Vandal careers.

Work on the affiliation with the University of Phoenix continued over the summer, and we measure our progress by the conversations had, deadlines met and the ideas that continue to blossom regarding the possibilities of this affiliation. Because of this, I am even more enthusiastic about this venture than ever before.

The FAQ has been updated to incorporate questions we got from you, our state legislators and others. We hope this additional detail provides you with more insight into the transaction itself and will help correct any false information you may have seen in recent weeks. We hope you will educate yourself, ask questions and feel confident in helping share accurate information.

While these details are undeniably important, it is also vital we look ahead.

We expect closing of this transaction to occur in early 2024. At that point, the University of Phoenix and the University of Idaho will remain separate entities, tied by an affiliation agreement. The University of Phoenix will be a not-for-profit institution led by the same leadership team (president, provost, etc.) as they are today. Their president will report to the not-for-profit Four Three Education, Inc. and its new board of directors, which has not yet been named.

But that doesn’t mean we sit and do nothing. This fall, working groups will be established to consider how we can best work together. These groups will discuss many topics, including:

  • Building highly impactful online courses leveraging the strengths of each institution.
  • Evaluating how we can help each other best support online and traditional students.
  • Reviewing their technology platforms and understanding how they can be adapted for our success.
  • Discuss pathways for students inside of and between the two institutions.

An email address has been set up to which you can send questions. Your questions will be routed to the proper responder, depending on the topic. Send your questions and ideas about future collaborations to

Watch for an upcoming panel discussion for University of Idaho and University of Phoenix employees to be held at 9:30 a.m. Monday, Aug. 14, as part of Week of Welcome. University of Phoenix President Chris Lynne and Provost John Woods will join us for this event.

I hope you enjoy the remaining days of summer and look forward to all we can accomplish together this year.

Scott Green

TO: University of Idaho Students and Employees
FROM: Scott Green, President
DATE: July 12, 2023
SUBJECT: King Road Demolition on Hold Until October

Since that fateful night in November, the house on King Road where four of our fellow Vandals were senselessly killed has stood as a stark reminder of what was lost. We lost our innocence and our sense of safety. We realized that evil can visit our town and we lost four bright souls from our Vandal Family.

In response to this tragedy, we have tried to do what is right, knowing full well there are no actions or decisions that will be met with full support. This is why the decision about what to do with the King Road house is so difficult. On the one hand, some people want it taken down. It is a constant reminder of the heinous acts that went on inside it. It is also a place that continues to draw unwanted attention from media, YouTubers and others. On the other hand, it elicits deep emotional responses from those who are working through grief and who fear that its destruction could impact the court case. We hear all these arguments, take them seriously and weigh them against the greater good for our university.

Because of this, upon the completion of the remediation of the house, including lead and asbestos abatement, we will pause demolition. We will revisit this decision in October. There is no legal requirement for leaving the house standing — both the prosecution and defense have released any interest in the house for their cases. We still fully expect to demolish the house, which was given to the university by the former owner. But we believe leaving the house standing, for now, is the right course to take.

In the meantime, we can focus on other aspects of healing. All personal items of the students who lived there were removed and families will soon be able to retrieve their loved ones’ possessions to the extent they wish to do so. We will continue to work discretely and respectfully with the families on this. In addition, calls for inspiration are coming in for the Vandal Healing Garden and Memorial that will be constructed on campus. This student-driven project will move into the classroom this fall as our students in the College of Art and Architecture develop plans for this shared healing space.

We appreciate how you have all responded with empathy and patience. It is through collaboration such as this that the Vandal Family will continue to heal.

Scott Green

TO: University of Idaho Students and Employees
FROM: Scott Green, President
DATE: Dec. 30, 2022
SUBJECT: Arrest Made in King Street Homicides 

Bryan Christopher Kohberger was arrested in Pennsylvania last night in connection with the King Street homicides, according to the Moscow Police Department. The U of I does not appear to have any record of Kohberger. No motive has been released by law enforcement.

This is the news we have been waiting for and a relief for our community and most importantly, the families of Kaylee Goncalves, Madison Mogen, Xana Kernodle and Ethan Chapin. We are grateful for the hard work of law enforcement to protect our community and bring justice.  

It has been a stressful time for our university, but we never lost faith that this case would be solved and are grateful for the hard work of the MPD and their law enforcement partners. We appreciate the increased security presence of the Idaho State Police to bring comfort and calm to a community shocked and confused by this senseless crime. This was made possible by Gov. Brad Little’s financial support. Vast and committed FBI resources brought important expertise to this complex case. Across the board, dedicated, highly competent personnel worked on this case.  

This crime has nevertheless left a mark on our university, our community and our people. As such, counseling services remain available to all students over the break and when classes resume Wednesday, Jan. 11. Employees needing assistance can use the free and confidential EAP resources available through your benefits or contact David Talbot, university ombuds, at for additional support. 

Classes in self-defense, vigilance, stalking awareness, healthy relationships and more, as well as the distribution of personal safety devices, will continue as planned. Additional security personnel have been added to the university’s security team and local law enforcement will increase patrols on campus and in nearby neighborhoods.  

The outpouring of support from across the state and nation helped sustain us during this most trying time. For the past several weeks, we were all Vandals, and that provided the strength that helped us navigate the international scrutiny visited on our students and employees. Kindness is contagious and provided light that reclaimed ground lost to evil and darkness. We are thankful for the compassion shown to our community.  

The care for each other and resilience of our students and employees has been remarkable. Our students come first, and that was proven each and every day of this investigation. We are committed to safely delivering the college town atmosphere, campus experience and high-touch, quality education for which the University of Idaho is known.  

While we cannot bring back Maddie, Kaylee, Xana and Ethan, we can thoughtfully and purposefully carry their legacy forward in the work we do. The next few months will be tough on their friends and families as the legal system begins the process of publicly prosecuting these crimes to bring justice. Let’s keep them in our thoughts and prayers and continue to stand #vandalstrong.

Scott Green

TO: University of Idaho Students and Employees
FROM: Scott Green, President
DATE: Nov. 23, 2022
SUBJECT: A Special Message from President Scott Green

Vandals —

The path ahead may seem daunting, but we will move forward together.

Scott Green

TO: University of Idaho Students and Employees
FROM: Scott Green, President
DATE: Nov. 22, 2022
SUBJECT: We Will Remain Flexible Through the End of the Semester

The power and strength of the Vandal Family has never been more evident to me than it has this week. The emotion that has united our campus since the horrible deaths of Kaylee Goncalves, Madison Mogen, Xana Kernodle and Ethan Chapin is incredible. We will come together 5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 30, on the Administration Building Lawn to commemorate the lives of these four Vandals. In our shared grief, we find strength.

Course Delivery

We have heard from many of you about how you hope we will proceed as a university after Fall Break. Each idea, concern and fear has been heard and considered. We will strive to respond accordingly. As such, faculty have been asked to prepare in-person teaching and remote learning options so that each student can choose their method of engagement for the final two weeks of the semester. Moving courses fully online is not preferred but may be necessary in limited situations. Students, your faculty will communicate course options soon. We still plan to hold the two Commencement Ceremonies Saturday, Dec. 10.


We are grateful for our faculty who are working hard to meet students where they are, while also dealing with their own grief. Faculty, please communicate with your classes and work with students to help meet end-of-semester requirements. The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning has resources to support you as you make these adjustments.

We appreciate our staff who are keeping offices open, providing resources and helping our students, again while dealing with their own natural reactions to this tragedy.

For all employees, the Employee Assistance Program is available to provide you support during this difficult time. Additional Emergency Crisis resources have been made available through EAP.

Drop-in counseling for students will continue the week of Nov. 28. Watch for details. The Counseling and Testing Center will also be open for drop-in or by appointment at 208-885-6716. This phone line provides 24/7 access to counselors (select option three in the evenings and weekends to be connected to someone).


We continue to push for answers to this case while recognizing the enormity of the task ahead for dozens of law enforcement experts across agencies. We are not accustomed to this kind of violence in our town or at our university and are grateful to the Idaho State Police for increasing their visibility on our campus and in our community. This will continue for the foreseeable future.

Student and employee safety remains our priority. In addition to the increased Idaho State Police presence, we have increased our own security force. Safe Walk continues to be available 24/7 by calling 885-7233 (SAFE). Extra safety precautions are being taken in the residence halls, and Fraternity and Sorority Life chapters are encouraged to review their own facility security protocols with their housing corporation boards.

Tips and Updates

Anyone with information about this crime is asked to call 208-883-7180 or email

For more information, access to all university communications on this incident, resources and information on the vigil, visit Moscow Police will hold a press conference at 1 p.m. tomorrow, Wednesday, Nov. 23. It will be livestreamed at Watch your email early next week for further information from the university.

As the case unfolds, we will better know how to proceed in the new year. We will endeavor to find balance among safety concerns, the need to grieve and the long-term needs of all our students and employees.

As we gather with family and friends this week, remember those who have empty seats at their tables. Remember those who grieve. This senseless crime has shaken us all. It has also brought us closer, caused people to step up and support one another, and perform selfless acts of kindness. For that, I am thankful for this Vandal Family.

Scott Green

TO: University of Idaho Students and Employees
FROM: Scott Green, President
DATE: Nov. 17, 2022
SUBJECT: Our Vandal Family Continues to Support

It has been four days since the tragic deaths of four outstanding Vandals. We are all still working though our grief and a range of emotions. Compounding this is the frustration and concern that no one has been arrested for these crimes. We continue to push for justice.

The Moscow Police Department maintains that this appears to be a targeted attack. Because the suspect remains at large, we recommend increased vigilance and encourage anyone with any information to contact Moscow Police at 208-882-2677. You will see an increased security presence through the weekend. This is an intentional increase in response to your concerns and not a reflection of any new information or heightened threat communicated by MPD. Safe Walk services remain available by calling 208-885-7233.

We need to remain flexible this week and grant our students and colleagues room to process these unprecedented events in their own ways. Students, you are encouraged to do what is right for you. Whether this is going home early or staying in class, you have our support.

Counseling services remain available for students at the Counseling and Testing Center or by calling 208-885-6713. You will need to push option three after-hours and on weekends.

Watch your email over the break for updates concerning what we learn about the investigation and plans for after the break.

The outreach, kind words and care are conspicuous and broadly displayed across our community and the state. I am proud and grateful for your thoughtful concern for one another over the past few days. We need to be prepared for increased support of one another in the days and weeks ahead. We are a Vandal Family, and that has never been more evident than now.

Scott Green

TO: University of Idaho Students and Employees
FROM: Scott Green, President
DATE: Nov. 16, 2022
SUBJECT: Moscow Police Department News Conference Statement

The University of Idaho participated today in a joint press conference led by the City of Moscow Police Department. I had the opportunity to address the public about the homicides that have shaken our community. The press conference was livestreamed and is available to view on U of I’s YouTube channel. Below are my opening comments.

This crime and the loss of these young lives is beyond comprehension. While our small community is certainly not immune to such things, it is not a situation our close-knit campus is used to dealing with.

First, my deepest condolences to the families and friends of Ethan, Kaylee, Xana and Madison. Their loss has been devastating. They were bright lights in our community, are deeply missed and remain in our thoughts and prayers.

We have been working with Moscow Police since we were notified on Sunday of the crime. We have helped when asked and continually pushed for as much information as possible, knowing we cannot interfere with the important work of a good investigation. We just want justice for these victims.

Our focus at the university is to support our students and employees. We are encouraging students and employees to take care of themselves as we head into the Thanksgiving break. I want to take a moment to commend our faculty and staff who have been on the front lines helping our students, whether that is providing counseling to those that need support, accommodating those that want to travel home, or engaging those who find comfort in staying busy interacting with their peers and instructors in class. Our employees stepped up when our students needed them.

While we have relied heavily on the expertise of the Moscow Police Department, we feel confident that remaining open with flexibility to leave allows our students to decide what is best for them.

The weeks ahead will continue to challenge us as this loss and the circumstances around this crime become known. We will support each other as we grieve, and we will move through this together as a Vandal Family.

Scott Green

TO: University of Idaho Students and Employees
FROM: Scott Green, President
DATE: Nov. 14, 2022
SUBJECT: Loss in the Vandal Family

With tremendous sadness, I share with you the names of four members of the Vandal Family who died over the weekend: Ethan Chapin, Xana Kernodle, Madison Mogen and Kaylee Goncalves. These four students were killed in an alleged homicide that took place off-campus and is under active investigation by the Moscow Police Department.

Ethan, a freshman from Mount Vernon, Washington, was a member of Sigma Chi fraternity majoring in recreation, sport and tourism management in the College of Education, Health and Human Sciences.

Xana was a junior from Post Falls majoring in marketing in the College of Business and Economics. She was a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority.

Madison was a senior majoring in marketing in the College of Business and Economics. She was a member of the Pi Beta Phi sorority and was from Coeur d’Alene.

Kaylee, from Rathdrum, was a senior majoring in general studies in the College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences. She was a member of the Alpha Phi sorority.

My wife Gabriella and I are simply heartbroken. Words cannot adequately describe the light these students brought to this world or ease the depth of suffering we feel at their passing under these tragic circumstances. No one feels that loss more than their families and friends. The university is working directly with those affected and is committed to supporting all students, families and employees as this event undeniably touches all of us.

Drop-in counseling is available to all students from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today, Nov. 14, on the ISUB fourth floor, and in the Counseling and Testing Center on the third floor of Mary Forney Hall. No appointments are necessary, just stop by. Therapy dog support is available 2-5 p.m. today in the ISUB Vandal Lounge. The Dean of Students Office and counseling services, 208-885-6716, are available to visit any student groups needing more focused support or assistance.

Additional counseling resources for employees will be provided from 10 a.m. to noon tomorrow, Nov. 15, at the Dean of Students office in TLC 232. Employees needing assistance also can use the free and confidential EAP resources available through your benefits or contact David Talbot, university ombuds, at for additional support.

We are grateful for the support of the community and the ongoing work of the MPD. We are doing all we can to aid their efforts. If you have any information regarding this incident, contact the MPD immediately at 208-882-COPS (2677). Additional security is in place on campus to assist with Safe Walks, which can be arranged by calling 208-885-SAFE (7233).

As Vandals, we come together and support one another through challenging times, leaning into our collective strength. Look out for one another now. If you are worried about a student or employee and are unsure of what to do, please file a VandalCare report. The Office of the Dean of Students is working with several of our students to hold a candlelight vigil later this week so that the Vandal Family can mourn the loss of our friends together.

Moscow police do not believe there is an ongoing community risk based on information gathered during the preliminary investigation, however, we ask our employees to be empathetic, flexible and to work with our students who desire to return home to spend time with their families. We do not know the investigation timeline, but we will continue to communicate to campus as we learn more.

With sympathies to all who are affected,

Scott Green

TO: University of Idaho Students and Employees
FROM: Scott Green, President
DATE: Nov. 13, 2022
SUBJECT: Classes Cancelled to Honor Student Victims

It is with deep sadness that I share with you that the university was notified today of the death of four University of Idaho students living off-campus believed to be victims of homicide. Out of respect for these fellow Vandals, classes statewide and online are cancelled Monday, Nov. 14. All campuses remain open. Classes will resume Tuesday, Nov. 15.

The Moscow Police Department is investigating and the families of these students have been notified. We continue to actively aid law enforcement’s efforts. MPD does not believe there is an active threat. We are grateful for the support of the community and the ongoing efforts of the Police Department. The university is committed to supporting students and families during this difficult time.

Students impacted have support options available. Students can reach out to the Counseling and Testing Center on the third floor of Mary Forney Hall or call 208-885-6716 for support. Press option three for immediate support in the evenings and on weekends. Students can visit the fourth floor of the ISUB from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow, Monday, for immediate drop-in counseling support. Students can also visit the Dean of Students Office in TLC 232 should you require assistance.

Employees needing assistance should use the free and confidential EAP resources available through your benefits. Watch your email Monday for details about additional support resources.

An event of this magnitude can understandably have significant impacts on those left behind. As Vandals, we must come together and lift each other up. If you are worried about a student or employee and are unsure of what to do, please file a VandalCare report.

More details will be released as they become available. If you have any information about this crime, call Moscow police at 208-882-2677. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of our students as the Vandal Family mourns their loss.

Scott Green

TO: University of Idaho Employees
FROM: Scott Green, President
DATE: Sept. 21, 2022
SUBJECT: Marketing, Communications and Events Leadership Named

Telling our story has been a strategic pillar at our University of Idaho since my arrival in 2019. The impact of sharing the stories of amazing students, impactful research and economic prosperity of higher education is vital to the success of the U of I, our students and our state.

This is why I am pleased to announce the permanent leadership of University Communications and Marketing. John Barnhart and Jodi Walker are now the co-Chief Marketing Officers of the unit, leading branding, marketing, Creative Services, web, photo and video services and communications. They have served in the joint interim role since January.

John came to U of I five years ago as the director of Creative Services. He came from industry where he worked for companies such as Asics and Oakley. John can be reached at

Jodi started nine years ago as a college marketing and communication manager in the College of Natural Resources. She was named director of communications in 2015. She is a former print journalist and Idaho native. Jodi can be reached at

At the same time, we are moving University Signature Events from its prior home in my office to Auxiliary Services under the leadership of Cami McClure. We are actively searching for a director for this unit and recently welcomed Becca Lundstrom as the signature events manager. She has been affiliated with the university for two years serving as the music events coordinator in the Lionel Hampton School of Music. She coordinated the Auditorium Chamber Music series and assisted in the production of the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival. Nancy Shanks will continue to serve our events team until the end of October.

It has never been more important for us to have united messaging and meaningful storytelling. We are a university on the rise, and these leaders will guide that message.

Go Vandals!

Scott Green

TO: University of Idaho Employees
FROM: Scott Green, President
DATE: April 19, 2022
SUBJECT: Eligible Employees Will Receive Minimum 2% Pay Increase

Thank you to each of you for your hard work this year. It has not been without its challenges, but I think we can agree that the bright future ahead of us makes it worth it. We are pleased to provide all eligible employees with a minimum 2% cost of living pay increase effective Sunday, June 26.

The legislature approved an overall 5% increase in the general education salary pool for all permanently budgeted employees. For the first time since 2010, we received full CEC funding for all general education employees. In recent years, the state supported just those employees funded on appropriated dollars, requiring universities to raise tuition to match the increase for all employees funded from dedicated sources. Approximately half of our general education employees are funded on dedicated lines. Funding increases on dedicated sources is referred to as a funds shift and means the state is taking full responsibility in funding the compensation increases for all general education employees. Employees funded solely by student fees are not considered general education employees, so those increases will continue to be funded by increases in student fees.

This does not mean every employee automatically receives a 5% raise.

Some funding comes off the top for items including:

  • Faculty promotions
  • TA pay increases to remain competitive with other universities
  • Increasing the university’s minimum hourly and annual exempt salary rates

The remaining funding will be divided into three pools:

  1. A 2% cost of living adjustment for all eligible employees,
  2. Bringing all employees to at least 80% of their individual target salary, and
  3. Over $1 million for merit funding.

Cost of Living Increase

Employees who met expectations on their 2021 annual performance review will receive a 2% increase. Employees hired through April 1, 2022, whose managers have filed the proper documentation with Human Resources, are also eligible.

80% of Target

All employees have both market and target salaries (visible in MyUI). Market rate is based on market data from both higher education and private industry. Target rate is unique to an individual, providing credit above the minimum target rate for factors such as higher levels of education than required for the classification of the position, years of service and years doing like work. Getting all employees to their target rate has been a goal for several years. Working toward that goal, employees below 80% of target will receive an automatic increase to that mark. Units may fund additional equity increases as budgets allow to address compression and further progress towards target.


  • There is no doubt everyone has worked hard this year. The budget cuts of years past left many units understaffed. A difficult hiring market also played a part. Then, of course, there was COVID-19. While we certainly appreciate everyone’s effort, we want to recognize those that have contributed at levels well above expectations. Detailed guidelines will be distributed to units with their CEC spreadsheets. Because we want to reward those that have been at the university and contributing, vacant PCNs will not receive increases.
  • Faculty promotion increments are to be added after all other increases.

Our change in employee compensation strategy has been developed based on the general education budget and employees paid with those funds. While we are hopeful and expect that all other funding sources align with the same strategies and priorities, there may be instances where financial restrictions may alter the above outlined compensation plans.

The ability to make progress on our pay issues in a comprehensive way is a sign that our work is paying off. We will continue to work hard toward our common goals and plan to continue investing in you — our valued employees.

Go Vandals!

Scott Green

TO: University of Idaho Alumni
FROM: Scott Green, President
DATE: April 12, 2022
SUBJECT: U of I Finds Support in Legislative Session

University of Idaho Alumni,

As promised, I am writing to update you on this legislative session. Although conflict entrepreneurs, who make their money by sowing unwarranted fear among taxpayers and voters, tried to derail the conversation about the value of Idaho universities, most of our legislators understood the truth and passed the higher education bill that, while not as generous as what other state agencies received, was a better result than anything appropriated in recent years. It is refreshing to see cooler heads prevail and not be swayed by half-truths and scare tactics. This year we got a clean up or down vote in the House. A recap of how each representative voted seems to show whether each supports higher education or not.

Regarding the specifics of the higher education funding bill, overall, the University of Idaho received a 6% increase – or $5.7 million – over last year. Most importantly, the state assumed full responsibility in compensation for our employees. In recent years, the state supported only those employees funded on general education dollars, requiring universities to raise tuition to match the increase for all employees funded from dedicated sources. At the U of I, this is about half our employees. This year we are grateful to the legislature as they will provide an overall 5% increase in the general education salary pool, the first time that has occurred since 2010.

The legislature agreed with Gov. Brad Little that education and research around nuclear energy is important to our future. We join proudly with Idaho State University to share a $1.1 million appropriation to develop programs supporting the newest generation of modular reactors. There is no doubt we will continue to produce the nuclear engineers to lead our state and our country in this area.

The legislature also increased funding for the James A. and Louise McClure Center for Public Policy Research. This important public policy research arm of the U of I provides invaluable analysis to those who set policy – including our state legislature. The $285,000 increase will allow this busy center to continue conducting high quality, bipartisan research for the state’s most pressing issues.

We are pleased with the allocation from the permanent building fund. While we only received $900,000 of the $45 million awarded to higher education institutions for capital projects, preliminary numbers indicate we will receive around $50 million of the substantial funds set aside by the state for deferred maintenance. Given the age of our campus, I cannot tell you how important this infusion is to the health of the institution. We are very grateful to the governor and legislature for this support.

As the state’s land-grant institution, we are also responsible for a number of programs outside the higher education and permanent building fund budgets.

The state does not have enough medical doctors, so the legislature passed a resolution to increase the number of seats in Idaho WWAMI, our M.D. partnership with the highly ranked University of Washington School of Medicine, from 40 to 50 over the next few years. Together with a budget of $6.97 million (+1.4%), they passed a partial tuition payback requirement for those who end up practicing out of state.

The legislature also passed budgets for other statewide programs for WIMU (veterinary education partnership with Washington State University) of $2.25 million (+4.3%), $1.53 million (+5.5%) for Forest Utilization Research, our forestry research line, and $1.23 million (+9.0%) for the Idaho Geological Survey, which is helping the state identify earthquake and landslide risks. As part of our land-grant mission, the U of I partners with the state and counties to provide services to its citizens through our 42 Extension offices. These Extension offices help farmers and ranchers with plant and animal health, administer 4-H activities throughout the state, provide personal finance, food safety and master gardener classes, and other services responsive to local needs. The legislature appropriated $35.8 million (+9.5%) to this outreach for FY23, as well as $2.8 million in additional FY22 one-time funding in support of the Parma Research and Extension Center.

The conversation around higher education in our state remains challenging as there are those who believe providing a welcoming environment and tools for the success of ALL students are threats. There are others that knowingly promote a false narrative for their own monetary and political gain. These narratives do nothing to support students who are committed to learning and contributing to our state, its industries and its economic health. It does nothing for Idaho businesses successfully competing in a global marketplace. It does nothing to address the shortage of educated workers. We are grateful that our governor and legislators recognized that they were being played by the special interests and stepped up to support higher education. We will continue to tell the stories of the amazing work our students, faculty and staff do each and every day for the economic and civic good of our state. We are Vandals, we are brave, we are bold, and we are proud of our role in Idaho, for Idaho.

Go Vandals!

Scott Green

TO: University of Idaho Students and Employees
FROM: Scott Green, President
Torrey Lawrence, Provost and Executive Vice President
DATE: March 28, 2022
SUBJECT: Free Tests and Masks Still Available

The return from Spring Break means we are in the home stretch of the school year. It is a busy and exciting time. Best of all, it does not, at this time, seem to be threatened by the pandemic. Reported positive cases remain in single digits. Cases across the state continue to drop, and we are seeing the lowest positivity and hospitalization rates in nearly two years.

Because of this we do not anticipate any changes to our current protocols in the coming weeks. We will continue with a mask-optional approach in all our university buildings across the state. Instructors can require masks in their classrooms. Gritman Medical Center and Idaho Public Health continue to support this approach.

Resources remain available so you can take control of your own safety:

  • Vaccinations are readily available around the state.
  • Free rapid tests and KN95 masks are available on the Moscow campus and at our regional centers in Boise, Coeur d’Alene and Idaho Falls. In Moscow, these are available from noon to 2 p.m. each weekday at the east entrance of the Student Recreation Center. Your Vandal ID is required.
  • Report any positive cases through a VandalCare report so the university can best assist you. The Counseling Center is available at 208-885-6716. For employees, our EAP program is available.

Nearly 5,000 students submitted proof of vaccination as part of our vaccine incentives program. The most recent winners of tuition credits were Jordan Kincaide, a junior from Dublin, California, majoring in management and HR-management; and Henry Jensen, a sophomore from Moscow majoring in music composition. Congratulations!

We do not expect a need to send weekly updates for the remainder of the semester, but we will certainly do so if we have new information or protocols need to change. It is as important as ever that we continue to treat each other with respect in the personal decisions we each make. Let’s finish strong and celebrate all our shared success.

Keep Calm and Vandal On!

Scott Green

Torrey Lawrence
Provost and Executive Vice President

TO: University of Idaho Students and Employees
FROM: Scott Green, President
Torrey Lawrence, Provost and Executive Vice President
DATE: March 7, 2022
SUBJECT: Boise Moves to Masks Optional 

COVID-19 cases continue to decline across the state. This week saw Ada County move to a “yellow” status with the Centers for Disease Control, and therefore masks are optional at all University of Idaho facilities in Boise, effective today. Moscow and Coeur d’Alene moved to mask optional a week ago. All other regions of the state should follow local protocols.

As in Moscow and Coeur d’Alene, instructors in Boise may require masks in the classroom and should clearly communicate these expectations with students.

We are nearing the end of our vaccine incentive program for students. Students must submit proof of vaccination by 5 p.m. Pacific time, Friday, March 11, to be included in the final drawing for tuition credit.

Next week is Spring Break. We hope you enjoy this time and continue to practice healthy habits. We are two years into the pandemic and the road ahead is looking good. Please continue to be respectful and professional as we navigate through a transition to a more normal way of living.

Keep Calm and Vandal On!

Scott Green

Torrey Lawrence
Provost and Executive Vice President

TO: University of Idaho Students and Employees
FROM: Scott Green, President
Torrey Lawrence, Provost and Executive Vice President
DATE: Feb. 28, 2022
SUBJECT: Masks Optional Tomorrow, May Be Required in Classrooms

A dramatic decline in COVID-19 cases across the state, as well as easy access to vaccinations and KN95 masks, allows us to move to a personal approach to COVID-19 protocols. Beginning tomorrow, March 1, masks are optional in Moscow and Coeur d’Alene. Masks are no longer required in labs, meeting rooms, hallways or other areas of the university. To facilitate this transition, instructors may still require masking in their classrooms until directed otherwise. Other areas of the state should continue to follow local guidance.

This decision aligns with new CDC guidance issued last Friday. Both Gritman Medical Center and Idaho Public Health also support the move to personal protection choice. But, if positive cases dramatically increase or if a new variant threatens our local hospital capacity, we will move swiftly to reinstate a mask requirement.

Faculty, communicate your expectations immediately regarding expectations for mask usage in your classes. Established protocols should be followed if masks remain required and there are concerns about compliance. Students, continue to carry a mask and abide by the classroom requirements.

You should thoughtfully consider your own healthcare needs and wear a mask where you deem appropriate. Be kind and considerate to your fellow Vandals about their decisions to wear or not wear masks. Stay home if you feel ill. Free at-home tests are available each weekday from noon-2 p.m. at the east entrance of the Student Recreation Center. Vandal ID required.

Taking control of your own safety is the next step in moving from pandemic to endemic:

The vaccine incentives program remains in place through Friday, March 11, for students who submit proof of vaccination. Weekly drawings continue with our most recent winner being Bailey Georgia, a first-year student from Eagle, Idaho, studying sociology and criminology. She won a $1,000 tuition credit.

It has been a long and winding road to arrive at a place where we can relax our mask mandate. We are very proud of how you have responded over the course of the pandemic. We have not always agreed on the path, but we stuck to it and supported each other. We hope we are finally reaching the end of the pandemic and recognize there will still be those in our community who remain at higher risk than the general population. Please continue to be respectful and keep your health and the health of those around you in the forefront of your decisions.

Keep Calm and Vandal On!

Scott Green

Torrey Lawrence
Provost and Executive Vice President

TO:  University of Idaho Employees and Students
FROM: Scott Green, President
Torrey Lawrence, Provost and Executive Vice President
DATE: Feb. 22, 2022
SUBJECT: Positivity Rates Declining in Latah County

Gritman Medical Center saw the first decline in COVID-19 positivity rates in quite some time last week. Two weeks ago, they reported 23.7% positivity. Last week was 18.3%. This is great news. It follows the trend we are seeing across Idaho. We anticipate continued decline this week and, as such, are meeting with Idaho Public Health and Gritman Medical Center to discuss possible changes in our Moscow protocols. For now, we will continue to require masks on the Moscow campus. We encourage those with concerns about relaxing the mask mandate to take steps now to prepare for the shift. KN95 masks are available, and wearing one will protect you even if others are not masked. Statewide masking protocols are under the direction of the local executive officer or site manager. Please continue to follow your local guidance.

As we think about a more individually focused approach to protecting ourselves, remember:

Continue to keep your health and that of those around you top of mind.

Keep Calm and Vandal On! 

Scott Green

Torrey Lawrence
Provost and Executive Vice President

TO: University of Idaho Employees and Students
FROM: Scott Green, President
Torrey Lawrence, Provost and Executive Vice President
DATE: Feb. 14, 2022
SUBJECT: Free KN95 Masks Available

The COVID-19 positivity rate in and around Moscow is holding steady but remains elevated. Latah County’s positivity rate is 39.5%, as compared to Ada County at 23%, Bonneville County at 29.5% and Nez Perce County at 21.5%.

National trends are showing a downward trajectory. We anticipate reconsidering our COVID-19 protocols in the coming weeks. If we continue to see a decline, we hope to move into an individually led COVID-19 response where those who choose to wear masks are encouraged to do so. But we aren’t quite there.

For now, we will continue to require masks on the Moscow campus. Statewide masking protocols are under the direction of the local executive officer or site manager. Please continue to follow your local guidance.

Beginning today, free KN95 masks are available across the Moscow campus, while supplies last. You can pick up a package of three masks at:

  • Department of Student Involvement Office Front Desk
  • ISUB Information Desk
  • Pitman Information Desk
  • LLC Help Desk
  • Well Space in Student Recreation Center
  • VandalStore
  • And in conjunction with free rapid test distribution, available noon to 2 p.m., Monday-Friday at the Student Recreation Center, east entrance. A valid VandalCard is required for the test kit.
  • Free KN95s are also available at Rite Aid at the Palouse Mall.

KN95s will be sent this week to the centers for distribution. Rapid tests are available at our centers in Idaho Falls, Boise and Coeur d’Alene.

Grayson Cottier, a first-year student from Boise, is the winner of the second $1,000 vaccine incentive drawing of the semester. Students, submit your proof of vaccination now to be included in future drawings. Vaccines are readily available for free across the state. We continue to offer vaccination clinics for students and employees in Moscow.

Report any positive cases through a VandalCARE report so the university can best assist you. Take care of yourself. The Counseling Center is available at 208-885-6716. For employees, our EAP program is available.

Keep Calm and Vandal On!

Scott Green

Torrey Lawrence
Provost and Executive Vice President

TO: University of Idaho Employees
FROM: Scott Green, President
DATE: Feb. 10, 2022
SUBJECT: Assistant Vice President for Alumni Relations Hired

I am pleased to announce the selection of Amy Lientz as assistant vice president, Alumni Relations. The appointment is effective Monday, April 11.

Amy is a North Idaho native who is coming to us from Idaho National Laboratory where she is the senior director of supply chain energy programs. This role includes communications, project management, strategic planning and public affairs initiatives involving extensive collaboration.

Amy earned a bachelor’s degree in environmental science from Boise State University and a master’s degree in industrial technology from the University of Idaho. She has been an enthusiastic U of I volunteer and partner for many years, serving on the U of I Alumni Association board of directors, College of Engineering advisory board, McClure Center on Public Policy advisory board and R1 research initiative working group, among other groups.

Her board and volunteer service have built partnerships and made an impact throughout Idaho for organizations including Idaho Public Television, Idaho Technology Council, Idaho Falls City Club, The Nature Conservancy in Idaho and Idaho Business for Education.

Amy replaces Kathy Barnard, who retired from the position at the end of 2021.

Thank you to the search committee, led by Associate Vice President for Development Ben McLuen, and included representatives from faculty and staff, the U of I Alumni Association and U of I Foundation Advisory Board.

Please help me welcome Amy to the Vandal Family.

Scott Green

TO: University of Idaho Students and Employees
FROM: Scott Green, President
Torrey Lawrence, Provost and Executive Vice President
DATE: Feb. 7, 2022
SUBJECT: Rapid Tests Available Across the State

We continue to encounter COVID-19 disruptions but are hopeful that positive cases will trend downward in the coming weeks. In the meantime, we will continue to follow our protocols, strive to keep ourselves healthy and support each other.

Continue to take any symptoms seriously. Stay home if you aren’t feeling well, for any reason. Faculty and managers, be as flexible as possible. Free rapid tests are available daily on the Moscow campus from noon to 2 p.m. at the Student Recreation Center, east entrance. A valid VandalCard is required. Rapid tests are also now available at our centers in Idaho Falls, Boise and Coeur d’Alene. Contact center executive directors’ offices for more information. You can also order free rapid tests from the federal government.

The first vaccine incentive drawing of the semester resulted in Bryce Hendrickson, a second-year student from Pullman majoring in computer science, winning a $1,000 tuition incentive. Students, submit your proof of vaccination now to be included in future drawings. Vaccines are readily available for free across the state. We continue to offer vaccination clinics for students and employees in Moscow.

Report any positive cases through a VandalCare report so the university can best assist you. Take care of yourself. The Counseling Center is available at 208-885-6716. For employees, our EAP program is available.

Keep Calm and Vandal On!

Scott Green

Torrey Lawrence
Provost and Executive Vice President

TO: University of Idaho Employees and Students
FROM: Scott Green, President
Torrey Lawrence, Provost and Executive Vice President
DATE: Jan. 31, 2022
SUBJECT: Thank You for Your Efforts

The recent spike in COVID-19 cases has left many of us wondering when this may finally end. The weariness is real. Please know we appreciate each and every one of you for the effort and dedication you continue to give to our university, even when life is hard.

Balancing school, work and family in a pandemic is challenging. Students, you can reach out to the Dean of Students Office through a VandalCARE report to get help if you are struggling. The Counseling Center is available at 208-885-6716. For employees, our EAP program is available. If you are concerned about a classmate or colleague, use the VandalCARE report to set our support services in motion.

Omicron has certainly taken hold. Last week case numbers across the state soared — but hospitalizations of those vaccinated did not, according to our partners at Idaho Public Health. Vaccines are readily available for free across the state. We continue to offer vaccination clinics for students and employees in Moscow and vaccine incentives for students. In the first three weeks of this semester, several hundred students submitted their proof of vaccination, bringing our total to more than 4,700. The first $1,000 tuition awards of the semester will be given out Thursday, Feb.3. Submit your proof now to be included in this and future drawings.

We received a new shipment of rapid tests late last week. Demand remains high and we will continue to provide these kits to symptomatic people, while supplies last. The tests are available each weekday from noon to 2 p.m. at the Student Recreation Center, east entrance. A valid VandalCard is required. You can also order free rapid tests from the federal government.

Report any positive cases through a VandalCARE report so the university can best assist you.

We hope to see the positive case count drop as we head into February. That has been the trend in other areas. Let’s help each other through this — be supportive and flexible.

Keep Calm and Vandal On!

Scott Green

Torrey Lawrence
Provost and Executive Vice President

TO: University of Idaho Employees
FROM: Scott Green, President
DATE: Jan. 24, 2022
SUBJECT: Employee Appreciation Game Postponed to Feb. 14

The Employee Appreciation Game scheduled for this afternoon has been postponed to 4 p.m. Monday, Feb. 14, in the ICCU Arena.

Tickets already requested, and any extra tickets purchased for today’s game, will be honored at the Feb. 14 game. Refunds for purchased tickets for today’s game are also available by calling the Vandal Ticket Office at 208-885-6466. Employees may request one free ticket for the Feb. 14 game by contacting the ticket office. A VandalCard (or V-number) is required at the time of purchase. Additional tickets can be purchased and start at $6. If the game falls during working hours for you, you will not need to take leave to attend, but do need supervisor approval. Each supervisor should ensure that offices have required services covered for the duration of the game.

If you cannot get away or if you would be more comfortable at a game later in the season, contact the ticket office to receive a voucher for a future women’s basketball game this season.

Remote locations are encouraged to set up viewing parties as the game will be televised on ESPN+.

We hope you can attend the Feb. 14 game as a token of appreciation for your dedication to our university.

Scott Green

TO: University of Idaho Employees and Students
FROM: Scott Green, President
Torrey Lawrence, Provost and Executive Vice President
DATE: Jan. 24, 2022
SUBJECT: Remain Vigilant as Omicron Spreads

There is no doubt Omicron is sweeping through the state, and through our university. Cases appear to be following the national trend — those who are vaccinated and boosted are not as sick. We encourage you to get vaccinated. If you are vaccinated, get boosted. Clinics are available on the Moscow campus and are readily available around the state.

If you are symptomatic, the university has a new and limited supply of rapid home tests available for distribution with a VandalCard from noon to 2 p.m. daily at the Student Recreation Center, east entrance. Because of the current rise in cases, tests also will be distributed from noon to 2 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 29 and 30. These quick at-home tests are most accurate when you are symptomatic. Vault tests remain available at centers around the state. Contact your center executive office for pick-up information in Boise, Idaho Falls and Coeur d’Alene. Free tests are also available through the federal government. Each mailing address is eligible for four rapid tests by registering through the simple online form. Both employee and student insurance programs will reimburse for tests purchased out-of-pocket. Contact HR Benefit Services or the Student Health Insurance Program office with any questions about reimbursement.

Report any positive cases through a VandalCare report. This allows the university to best advocate for you and provide appropriate accommodations in class and work. If you are not feeling well, please stay home. Faculty and supervisors should be as flexible as possible in the coming weeks as we navigate this spike.

Our partners at Idaho Public Health and Gritman Medical Center agree the rate of infection is the highest we have seen during the pandemic, but they continue to support us remaining open with continued safety protocols.

Students are again eligible for vaccine incentives, including one-time gift cards for all those vaccinated and ongoing tuition credit awards. Students who have not previously done so should submit proof of vaccination online. Students do not need to submit proof of a booster shot.

What to do if you are exposed to COVID-19 or have a positive test can be confusing. Guidance changes as more is learned about the virus and as variants behave differently. Vandal Health Education produced a helpful graphic to explain the current guidance.

The next week will prove challenging. But, we anticipate this peak will follow trends in other regions and begin to drop soon. Strive to keep yourselves and others healthy. Be supportive and kind.

Keep Calm and Vandal On.

Scott Green

Torrey Lawrence
Provost and Executive Vice President

TO: University of Idaho Employees
FROM: Scott Green, President
DATE: Jan. 18, 2022
SUBJECT: Thank You: Join Us for a Vandal Game

Thank you for the hard work and dedication you give every day to our University of Idaho. These past two years have been challenging, to say the least, but we continue to provide in-person learning, improve our financial footing and deliver on the expectation of a high quality and meaningful educational experience.

All employees are invited to watch our Vandal Women’s Basketball team as they host Portland State in our new, beautiful ICCU Arena at 2 p.m. Monday, Jan. 24. Employees may request one free ticket by contacting the Vandal Ticket Office at 208-885-6466. A VandalCard (or V-number) is required at the time of purchase. Additional tickets can be purchased and start at $6. If the game falls during working hours for you, you will not need to take leave to attend but do need supervisor approval. Each supervisor should ensure that offices have required services covered for the duration of the game.

If you cannot get away or if you would be more comfortable at a game later in the season, contact the ticket office to receive a voucher for a future women’s basketball game this season.

Remote locations are encouraged to set up viewing parties as the game will be televised on ESPN+.

I know not everyone will be able to attend. But I am grateful to Vandal Athletics for providing this amazing opportunity to help us say thank you for everything you do each and every day for the University of Idaho.

Scott Green

TO: University of Idaho Employees and Students
FROM: Scott Green, President
Torrey Lawrence, Provost and Executive Vice President
DATE: Jan. 10, 2022
SUBJECT: Relying on Proven Safety Protocols for Omicron

A warm welcome to the spring semester. We trust everyone had an enjoyable and restful break.

After a meeting with our local and regional health professionals last week, we begin spring semester with the same safety protocols that were in place in the fall. These will be reviewed again in early February. Idaho Public Health and Gritman Medical Center report confirmed cases of COVID-19 are steadily rising, along with an increase in hospital admissions. At the same time, area health care facilities are experiencing staffing shortages because of winter weather, the nationwide shortage of workers and seasonal illnesses. The Omicron variant of COVID-19 has been reported in Latah County and is expected to significantly impact our community. Nationwide it is proving to be more highly transmissible than past variants.

While all this may seem like grim news, we have a proven track record of protecting ourselves, each other and our community. Our local health officials tell us that not one case has been traced back to our classrooms, and this lack of transmission demonstrates the effectiveness of masking. They have told us that the same protocols we have in place will also help protect our classrooms, offices and labs from the Omicron variant.

Masks are required in all university buildings on the Moscow campus. While we all may feel frustrated this virus has not run its course, we are grateful to have had excellent compliance in our classrooms and ask our students and faculty to continue to maintain our high standards. Faculty are empowered to direct anyone to leave their classroom if not masked properly. Masking works, especially when both parties are masked. If you are at elevated risk, consider purchasing a KN95 mask or three- or four-ply surgical facial coverings, which all offer more protection than their cloth counterparts. A snug and tight fit is also key. Learn more about improving mask effectiveness on the CDC webpage. Statewide masking protocols are under the direction of the local executive officer or site manager. Please continue to follow your local guidance.

Vaccination remains the best way to protect yourself against contracting, spreading and becoming seriously ill from COVID-19. Vaccine clinics on the Moscow campus begin Thursday, Jan. 13, and are listed on the Vandal Health Clinic’s COVID-19 webpage. Vaccines are also available statewide at a variety of locations. We will continue to offer vaccine incentives to our students and will communicate those details soon.

A limited supply of Vault tests are available on the Moscow campus and at each educational center for symptomatic individuals and we are working diligently to procure more. In Moscow, the tests are available with a VandalCard from noon to 2 p.m. weekdays at the Student Recreation Center, east entrance. Contact your center executive office for pick-up information in Boise, Idaho Falls and Coeur d’Alene.

As Vandals, we all do our best to look out for the Vandal Family. Simple actions, like acknowledging and following the Healthy Vandal Pledge, go a long way in reducing the impact of COVID-19.

Our scrupulous protocols are in place to keep our campus safe and open for classes and activities this spring. The tenacity of our students, faculty and staff is keeping our campus open for the highest quality live instruction and educational experiences for which we are known. We need your help to continue to hold the line.

Keep Calm and Vandal On.

Scott Green

Torrey Lawrence
Provost and Executive Vice President

TO: University of Idaho Employees and Students
FROM: Scott Green, President
Torrey Lawrence, Provost and Executive Vice President
DATE: Jan. 3, 2022
SUBJECT: Omicron’s Rise Leads to Extension of Safety Protocols

Happy New Year! We are looking forward to everyone returning from Winter Break and engaging in a busy and productive spring semester.

Unfortunately, the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is causing us to reevaluate how we thought we would enter the spring semester. We continue to talk with Idaho Public Health and Gritman Medical Center to best understand the impact on our community. Because of Omicron’s high transmission, we will begin the semester with the same safety protocols that were in place in the fall. Masks are required in all university buildings on the Moscow campus. Face coverings can be removed in a shared office workspace where more than six feet of distance can be constantly maintained and within private residential rooms in Housing and Residence Life. Statewide masking protocols are under the direction of the local executive officer or site manager. Please continue to follow your local guidance.

Vault tests will again be available starting Wednesday, Jan. 5, on the Moscow campus and at each educational center for individuals who are symptomatic. In Moscow, the tests are available with a VandalCard from noon to 2 p.m. weekdays at the Student Recreation Center, east entrance. Contact your center executive office for pick-up information in Boise, Idaho Falls and Coeur d’Alene.

Vaccine clinics on the Moscow campus are planned to begin next week. Location details are being finalized and will be listed on the Vandal Health Clinic’s COVID-19 vaccine pre-registration webpage. Vaccines are also available statewide at a variety of locations.

While you may feel as frustrated by the setback of the Omicron variant as we are, we ask for your patience as we work to keep our campus healthy and offer live instruction. We expect to have more details after our consultations with Idaho Public Health and Gritman Medical Center scheduled for later this week. While it is impossible to guess what will happen next, we will continue to watch, work with our partners and strive to provide the quality education for which we are known.

Keep Calm and Vandal On.

Scott Green

Torrey Lawrence
Provost and Executive Vice President

TO: University of Idaho Students, Faculty and Staff
FROM: Scott Green, President
Torrey Lawrence, Provost and Executive Vice President
DATE: Dec. 10, 2021
SUBJECT: Mask Requirement Remains Through End of Year

Congratulations to all who are graduating this weekend, and good luck to all students during Exam Week.

We have been advised by Idaho Public Health and Gritman Medical Center that they, for the second week in a row, saw an uptick in COVID-19 cases in Moscow. Because of this, we will maintain our mask requirement in all buildings on the Moscow campus through Monday, Jan.3, 2022. Masking requirements across the state will be decided by leadership in those areas as previously described. At any location requiring masks, you may remove your mask in shared-office workspace where more than six feet of distance can be constantly maintained.

We will continue to monitor the situation and will review all our COVID-19 protocols. Protocols for Spring 2022 will be broadly communicated before classes begin Wednesday, Jan.12, and will be updated on our website.

Thank you for your continued attention to these protocols. We are looking forward to the possibility of eliminating them as we near what we hope is the end of the pandemic.

We hope you enjoy some much-deserved downtime during Winter Break. Rest. Relax. Have fun. Then come back ready to engage in everything UofI has to offer in Spring 2022.

Keep Calm and Vandal On.

Scott Green

Torrey Lawrence
Provost and Executive Vice President

TO: University of Idaho Students, Faculty and Staff
FROM: Scott Green, President
DATE: Dec. 8, 2021
SUBJECT: Wishing Our CMO Well

Please join me in thanking Teresa Koeppel, our chief marketing officer, for her dedicated and successful service to the University of Idaho. In her tenure here, she led brand evolution to build a solid foundation for telling the story of a university on the rise.

By deploying an integrated strategy across audiences and goals, University Communications and Marketing drove successful storytelling through events, recruitment and reputation development and is poised to continue to elevate messaging to drive key goals.

Teresa’s last day at our university is Friday, Dec. 31. She will be moving back to the Seattle area for better access to specialized healthcare and an opportunity to serve Swedish Medical Center Foundation as the vice president of marketing and communications.

A national search will begin in early 2022 for her replacement. In the interim, John Barnhart, senior director of marketing and creative services, and Jodi Walker, senior director of communications, will co-lead the unit.

I have tremendous respect for the work Teresa has done and for the strong position UCM is in to create the narrative of the capital campaign. Metrics don’t lie and the marketing metrics in UCM have, across the board, increased across all measurable indexes under her leadership. Thirteen months of dedicated work produced the strong marketing foundation required to support brand growth well into the future. We have built momentum and that momentum will elevate our story — a great story of exploration, impact, purpose and wellbeing.

Thank you, Teresa, for your leadership.

Scott Green

TO: University of Idaho Students, Faculty and Staff
FROM: Scott Green, President
Torrey Lawrence, Provost and Executive Vice President
DATE: Dec. 7, 2021
SUBJECT: Judge’s Ruling Halts Vaccine Mandate

Today, a Georgia federal judge granted a preliminary injunction prohibiting the Biden Administration from enforcing the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for employees of federal contractors and subcontractors.

This is good news for the University of Idaho, where we receive an average of $22 million annually in federal non-grant contracts. The State Board of Education joined the lawsuit filed by the state of Georgia arguing that the order is coercive and that the White House does not have legal authority to impose the mandate.

This injunction allows the university to continue with voluntary vaccination — which we strongly encourage — without mandating employee vaccinations. Find a vaccine location near you.

Thank you all for your patience as we awaited the court decision. This allows us to focus on a strong close to the semester and enjoy a much-deserved break.

Keep Calm and Vandal On.

Scott Green

Torrey Lawrence
Provost and Executive Vice President

TO: University of Idaho Students, Faculty and Staff
FROM: Scott Green, President
Torrey Lawrence, Provost and Executive Vice President
DATE: Dec. 6, 2021
SUBJECT: Mask Requirement Continues Through Commencement

As we head into No Exam Week, each of you has earned and deserves a heartfelt thank you for continuing to keep the health of our Vandal Family at the forefront of all you do.

We continue to see low levels of infection across our institution and have no students in isolation and one in quarantine.

COVID-19 positivity rates are moving, generally, in the right direction, although last week saw an uptick in cases in Latah County. In consultation with Gritman Medical Center and Idaho Public Health, the mask mandate on the Moscow campus remains in place. This will include the Commencement ceremony on Saturday, Dec. 11. We look forward to a day, hopefully soon, when we can lift this requirement.

We anticipate a decision this week on the state of Georgia’s challenge to the Biden Administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for federal contractors. The state of Idaho and the Idaho State Board of Education signed on as parties to this lawsuit. If the federal court does not grant an injunction prohibiting the federal government from imposing the vaccination mandate on federal contractors, University of Idaho employees will be required to be vaccinated or have an approved exemption by Jan. 4, 2022. We are finalizing a process for reporting vaccination completion as well as filing for a medical or religious exemption. Look for a communication later this week with further details.

COVID-19 Vault tests remain available free of charge on the Moscow campus. These can be picked up, with a VandalCard, noon to 2 p.m. each weekday at the Student Recreation Center, east entrance. A limited supply of tests will also be made available at our centers in Boise, Coeur d’Alene and Idaho Falls.

It is an exciting week culminating in watching more Vandals become Vandal alumni. Please join us at the ceremony in Moscow on Saturday, Dec. 11, or watch online as we celebrate all our graduates.

Keep Calm and Vandal On.

Scott Green

Torrey Lawrence
Provost and Executive Vice President

TO:  University of Idaho Students, Faculty and Staff
FROM:  Scott Green, President
Torrey Lawrence, Provost and Executive Vice President
DATE:  Nov. 22, 2021
SUBJECT:  County Data Will Drive Mask Mandates

Happy Thanksgiving! We have much to be thankful for as we head into Fall Break, and we sincerely hope each of you enjoys some downtime and can reflect on the amazing way our Vandal Family has come together and succeeded in the past year.

The end of the semester is a few weeks away and we want to head into finals and Winter Commencement healthy. The metrics in Latah County are headed in the right direction, with hospitalizations down and the positivity rate declining. But discussions with Gritman Medical Center and Public Health reveal that our positivity rate is still high enough that masks will be required upon your return after Thanksgiving. However, we will not wait three weeks to reevaluate the policy and instead will evaluate weekly.

We recognize our state is large and every county is different. So, while the mask requirement applies to Moscow and offices in Latah County, we are empowering our center executive officers, research center administrators and Extension leads across the state to determine whether masks are still required in their work areas. We expect these decisions will be data driven and, as such, expect most counties are not in a position to discontinue the practice.

Two students headed into the break with good news. They received the final tuition credit incentives drawn last week from the pool of 4,405 students who submitted proof of vaccination. Nicholas Wells, a senior civil engineering major from Nampa, won $1,000, and Noah Lucé, a graduate student in theater arts from Santa Cruz, California, won the $5,000 credit. Noah called it a “game changer” for him. Thank you to these students and to all of you who have worked so hard to keep our university healthy.

Vault tests remain available free of charge on the Moscow campus. Beginning Monday, Nov. 29, the tests can be picked up noon to 2 p.m. at the Student Recreation Center.

We do not have any further information about either the federal vaccination mandate or the state’s legal challenge of the mandate. The courts have agreed to a hearing in early December on the challenge to the federal contractor mandate and we expect more information and guidance at that time. As such, we have not imposed a vaccination mandate. But, if implemented, the federal mandate requires the second dose of Moderna or Pfizer be administered on or before Jan. 4 — and the proof submitted. Johnson & Johnson is one dose, and therefore could be administered Jan. 4, but it can be more difficult to find. All vaccines are free and many pharmacies administer them. We continue to hold vaccine clinics weekly on the Moscow campus. If the mandate is imposed, the university will have a process for religious and medical exemptions. Students who are not also employees would not be impacted by this vaccine mandate.

Thank you for your patience and for doing your part in helping us navigate the pandemic. We are truly grateful for each of you this Thanksgiving.

Keep Calm and Vandal On.

Scott Green

Torrey Lawrence
Provost and Executive Vice President

TO:  University of Idaho Students, Faculty and Staff
FROM:  Scott Green, President
DATE:  Nov. 18, 2021
SUBJECT:  Loss in the Vandal Family

It is a sad day in the Vandal Family. Steve Drown, ag seed technician in the Foundation Seed Program at the Kimberly Research and Extension Center (KREC) passed away Sunday, Nov. 14, after a short battle with cancer. Prior to his current position, Steve was a farm assistant for the station.

Steve was a person of many skills: farmer, mechanic, fabricator, seed production specialist, arborist, problem solver, innovator, mentor to many and recently added apiary/beekeeper to his long list of talents. He shared his love of cooking and canning with all. He was always the first to offer to be the lead cook at any gathering held at the station.

His passion for producing the best crops possible was second to none and this past season produced record-high yields in beans for the university’s Foundation Seed Program at KREC. He loved what he did and often said, “This is my dream job” and “If you couldn’t pay me, I would do it without pay.” Perhaps his greatest quality was his appreciation and value of everyone he worked with — those who worked with him became like family. He always encouraged and taught others to be better.

The passing of a Vandal Family member can understandably have significant impacts on those left behind. Faculty and staff needing assistance should use the free and confidential EAP resources available through your benefits.

Our condolences go to Steve’s family and friends and to all those who knew Steve. A funeral service will be held 11 a.m. Mountain time, Tuesday, Nov. 23, at the First Christian Church, 1005 Poplar St., Buhl. You can read his obituary online.

Scott Green

TO:  University of Idaho Students, Faculty and Staff
FROM:  Scott Green, President
DATE:  Nov. 15, 2021
SUBJECT:  Loss in the Vandal Family

It is a sad day in the Vandal Family. Daniel Noble, an employment services specialist in Human Resources, passed away Nov. 11 in Colorado with his family by his side.

Dan was a proud Vandal and graduate of the University of Idaho, receiving his bachelor’s degree in business finance in 2002 and bachelor’s degree in business/HR management in 2007. He was an active participant in the Vandal Marching Band and was Joe Vandal as a student.

Dan started his career at U of I in 1998 as a student employee and continued in various student and temporary help positions until 2003, when he accepted a position as a financial specialist working with gifts to the U of I Foundation and other university departments. In 2011, Dan moved to Human Resources as a senior financial specialist, and in 2019, he transitioned to an HR specialist where he remained until his passing. He served on numerous committees, including Staff Affairs.

A lifelong Vandal, Dan often attended sporting events and supported the Vandals in countless other ways. You could often find him on Hello Walk at lunchtime, or any time he could find a reason to venture there.

He had a passion for making others feel included. Dan participated in the Leadership Moscow program and volunteered in the community in many ways, most proudly as a member of the Alternative Giving Market on the Palouse. He was known by all who loved him as grill master and fun-loving prankster.

The passing of a Vandal Family member can understandably have significant impacts on those left behind. Faculty and staff needing assistance should use the free and confidential EAP resources available through your benefits.

Our condolences go to Dan’s family and friends and to all those who knew Dan. A celebration of his life will be held in Moscow in the spring and details will be shared at a later date.

Scott Green

TO:  University of Idaho Students, Faculty and Staff
FROM:  Scott Green, President
Torrey Lawrence, Provost and Executive Vice President
DATE:  Nov. 15, 2021
SUBJECT:  We Continue to Wait for Vaccine Mandate Guidance

The headlines are filled with news about the federal vaccine mandates and lawsuits opposing them. This could impact all university employees and students employed by the university. We continue to track these topics as they unfold and are working with our sister institutions and other impacted state agencies to decipher what this means for our university.

While the state of Idaho and the Idaho State Board of Education are parties to a lawsuit filed by the state of Georgia claiming federal overreach in the mandates and are asking for a quick decision on a stay, we are also facing a looming Jan. 4 deadline for vaccines for federal contractors. The university averages about $22 million in non-grant federal contracts each year. Given the continued uncertainty surrounding the situation, the university has not imposed a vaccination mandate. But President Biden’s mandate requires the second dose of Moderna or Pfizer be administered on or before Jan. 4 — and the proof submitted. Johnson & Johnson is one dose, therefore could be administered Jan. 4, but it can be more difficult to find. All vaccines are free and many pharmacies administer them. We continue to hold vaccine clinics weekly on the Moscow campus. We will continue to report on any progress, whether from the federal government, the state of Idaho or the courts.

This week we will draw the final student names for the vaccine incentive rewards. Most recently, Nickolas Buonarati, a civil engineering major from Meridian, and Kally Arnzen, a molecular biology and biotechnology major from Grangeville, each won a $1,000 tuition credit. We will announce the final $1,000 and $5,000 winners next week.

We recognize that the COVID-19 safety protocols are growing tiresome, yet you continue to do a great job keeping our classrooms safe. We have only four students in quarantine, zero students in our isolation facility and we still have zero cases traced back to contact in a classroom. But, the end of the semester is within reach and our local healthcare providers need us to continue our vigilance and follow the Healthy Vandal Pledge — this includes wearing a face mask in all university buildings.

As we head into Fall Break, we wish you well. If you are spending time with friends and family, please travel safely – and come back healthy and ready to finish the semester strong.

Keep Calm and Vandal On.

Scott Green

Torrey Lawrence
Provost and Executive Vice President

TO:  University of Idaho Students, Faculty and Staff
FROM:  Scott Green, President
Torrey Lawrence, Provost and Executive Vice President
DATE:  Nov. 1, 2021
SUBJECT:  Mask Requirement Remains, Vault Tests Available

Masks Requirement Continues

COVID-19 infection rates are slowly trending down across the country – and in Idaho – although hospitalizations and deaths remain at a concerning level.  After discussions with our local healthcare community, masks will continue to be required in all University of Idaho buildings and all university-sponsored events for another three weeks. This will be reviewed again and communicated by Monday, Nov. 22, which is during Fall Break, so be sure to check your email.

The mask requirement applies to all U of I offices, buildings owned by other entities (including our many research and UI Extension offices) and common areas on campus including those located in Housing and Residence Life. Face coverings can be removed in a shared office workspace where more than six feet of distance can be constantly maintained and within private residential rooms in Housing and Residence Life.

COVID-19 Testing

PCR testing remains available through Gritman Medical Center, with a physician’s referral. Call the Vandal Health Clinic at 208-885-6693 or your healthcare provider to schedule an appointment for a referral, if needed. Vault tests (saliva-based home tests) are available for pick-up without a referral from noon-2 p.m. weekdays at the tent in front of the Vandal Health Clinic on the Moscow campus. We have distributed 75 tests to date. Your VandalCard is required. As we have a limited supply of these tests, only those who are symptomatic can receive one. Test results typically arrive within 24-48 hours of the test being received by the testing lab. Specific instructions for completing the tests are provided and you should follow them carefully.

Student Vaccination Incentives

We continue to give away tuition incentives to students who submit proof of full vaccination. Ane Equiluz, a first-year student majoring in animal and veterinary science, is a recent winner of the $1,000 tuition credit drawing. Congratulations, Ane.

All student vaccination information must be turned in by Friday, Nov. 12, to be eligible to receive a $50 gift card and be entered into a tuition credit drawing.


COVID-19 vaccine clinics on the Moscow campus continue through the semester. The next one is Wednesday, Nov. 3. You can pre-register online for an upcoming campus clinic. These clinics also have flu shots, as time allows. If you are not on the Moscow campus or require other options, visit the COVID-19 vaccine locater. The CDC last week authorized emergency use of the Pfizer vaccine for children ages 5-11.

Lawsuit Against Federal Vaccination Mandate

On Friday, the state of Idaho joined a lawsuit led by Georgia to oppose the federal vaccination mandate for federal contractors imposed by President Biden’s Executive Order 14042. The Idaho State Board of Education is a named party in the suit. Watch for further communication this week as we better understand the timeline of this suit and the expectations for the federal vaccine mandate. There is no doubt this will be a distraction and we appreciate your patience.

The political landscape around COVID-19 is complicated. What we can do now is remain committed to helping our local healthcare providers battle the pandemic and return to a normalized standard of care.

Keep Calm and Vandal On.

Scott Green

Torrey Lawrence
Provost and Executive Vice President

TO:  University of Idaho Students, Faculty and Staff
FROM:  Scott Green, President
DATE:  Oct. 19, 2021
SUBJECT:  Enrollment up 4.7%, Revenue Exceeds Budget

The leaves are starting to turn into beautiful colors and the temperatures starting to dip, which means Homecoming is right around the corner. Homecoming is always an energizing time on campus and in our community. This year is extra special as we will also celebrate the grand opening of our ICCU Arena, plus launch our Brave. Bold. campaign. These events will bolster our traditional Homecoming events Friday evening, including the Vandal Rally in the Kibbie Dome parking lot with live music, food trucks, games and activities for all ages.

It is great to have our students back on campus and fully participating in their Vandal experience this fall. It is even better to see more students than we have seen in recent years. Enrollment at the University of Idaho is up 4.7% — to 11,303 — this fall. First-year undergraduate enrollment is 1,656, up 16.2% over enrollment of 1,425 in Fall 2020 and is the largest freshman class at the University of Idaho since 2016. New Idaho resident first-year enrollment is up 5.2%. Transfer enrollment is 524, up 11.7% over 2020.

This is the first increase in enrollment in four years and brings with it revenue that exceeds what was budgeted by $2.5 million.

The breakdown shows increases in nearly all categories.

Undergraduate Enrollment

  • Overall undergraduate enrollment, up 0.4%
  • Non-resident undergraduate enrollment, up 10.6%
  • WUE, up 15%
  • International undergraduate, up 38%
  • Total Idaho resident undergraduate, down 4.7%

Graduate and Professional Enrollment

  • Graduate, up 8.2%
  • Law, down 5.4% (This was expected as students who transferred from the now-defunct Concordia Law School graduate.)
  • WWAMI, remains full at 80 students


  • Hispanic/Latino, up 8.5 %
  • Asian, up 13.2%
  • African American, up 4.9%
  • Students identifying as two or more races, up 9.3%

Dual Credit

Our student pipeline, those taking dual-credit classes while in high school, saw a significant increase this fall after plummeting in 2020, most likely due to the pandemic and the lack of in-person classes in Idaho high schools. Dual credit enrollment is up 19.96% over Fall 2020.


Our biggest decrease to overall enrollment comes from 2.2% decline in first-year retention. This will be a concentrated focus as we continue to build support systems and better processes to help students persist in a challenging pandemic environment.

Financial Impact

It is no secret that while overall enrollment is important, more important is the make-up of that enrollment. Finding the right balance to meet the financial needs of the university and provide the excellent education we are known for is even more important. Early indications show that we may end the year with a revenue excess of $2.5 million. This is money that will be reinvested in the university to build programs and further enhance our student experiences.

We seem to have turned a corner on enrollment and have succeeded in helping new students understand the value of a college education — and of being a Vandal. We have more work to do, especially on retention, but there is no doubt much hard work in the past year paid off.

Go Vandals!

Scott Green

TO:  University of Idaho Students, Faculty and Staff
FROM:  Scott Green, President
Torrey Lawrence, Provost and Executive Vice President
DATE:  Oct. 11, 2021
SUBJECT:  Mask Requirement Remains in Place

It was an exciting weekend at the University of Idaho. Thanks to all of you who participated in Vandal Fest and Homecoming activities — and followed the COVID-19 protocols necessary for such events. These are the moments when we are reminded of what it means to be Vandals.

While we are pleased to be able to gather for events, we also know the pandemic continues to deeply impact our healthcare system. We are beginning to see declining numbers nationally, but that trend has not yet become a reality for our community and healthcare system. Because of this and because your wellbeing is our focus, we will continue the mask requirement in all university buildings statewide and at all university-sponsored indoor events. As a reminder, this includes face coverings in U of I offices, buildings owned by other entities (including our many research and UI Extension offices) and common areas on campus including those located in Housing and Residence Life. Face coverings can be removed in a shared office workspace where more than six feet of distance can be constantly maintained and within private residential rooms in Housing and Residence Life. The face covering policy will again be reviewed in three weeks and communicated by Monday, Nov. 1.

We had five students report positive infection last week and we currently have one student in our isolation unit.

The number of students voluntarily submitting proof of vaccine continues to grow. Sloan Strong, a first-year student from Virginia, is the $1,000 winner of our fourth tuition incentive drawing. Students, submit your proof now for the opportunity to win. We still have $11,000 to give away. All vaccination information must be turned in by Friday, Nov. 12, to be eligible to receive a $50 gift card and be entered into a tuition credit drawing. If you have not yet been vaccinated, find a vaccination site and roll up your sleeve. They are free, and studies show they are safe and effective.

You will notice the food court in the ISUB gradually reopening as we meet workforce and supply chain challenges. Qdoba is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. Pom & Honey, Idaho Eats newest addition to on-campus dining, will open for mobile ordering Monday, Oct. 18, and plans to fully open later in the month. Other dining options will follow.

We strive to provide the best working and learning environment possible during these challenging times. We appreciate your continued commitment to your own health and that of those around you. Continue to follow the Healthy Vandal Pledge and be safe.

Keep Calm and Vandal On.

Scott Green

Torrey Lawrence
Provost and Executive Vice President

TO:  University of Idaho Students, Faculty and Staff
FROM:  Scott Green, President
Torrey Lawrence, Provost and Executive Vice President
DATE:  Oct. 4, 2021
SUBJECT:  Three Rounds of Tuition Incentives Given

Thank you to everyone who has rolled up their sleeves to be vaccinated in an effort to slow the sweeping spread of COVID-19. Audrey Atkin, a senior majoring in Music Education, and Maria Estrada, a senior majoring in Art, are the latest winners of $1,000 tuition credit incentives in our vaccination incentive drawings. They are two of more than 3,600 students who have submitted proof of their vaccination. At a recent dinner with students, a number of them said they were vaccinated but had not uploaded their vaccination card — they have missed out on $8,000 already. We are giving away $12,000 more over the coming weeks. Students, take the time to submit your proof of full vaccination for a chance to win in future drawings. You will never have better odds in life to win $1,000 or $5,000 for your education. All students submitting proof receive a $50 gift card to the VandalStore or Idaho Eats. You can’t lose, only win.

People who are vaccinated are:

  • More than five times less likely to get COVID-19.
  • More than six times less likely to be hospitalized for COVID-19, if infected.

(Data according to Idaho Public Health)

Vaccinations are indeed our best defense against the virus and the right thing to do to help our medical community which is continually working hard to treat the increase in patients seeking medical care. We must also be patient with the testing system — the nursing resources available to help a year ago have been redirected to our overtaxed healthcare system to care for the seriously ill and are simply not available this year. If you are feeling sick, contact your healthcare provider or the Vandal Health Clinic for a referral. A thoughtful and orderly approach to accessing healthcare is more important than ever.

We know life is challenging right now — balancing the already stressful life of higher education with a seemingly never-ending pandemic. Faculty are encouraged to work with students who miss class for any illness. Supervisors, work with your staff through illness, as well. Continue to wear your masks while indoors and follow the Healthy Vandal Pledge.

We have an exciting week ahead of us with Homecoming and Vandal Fest — celebrating our legacy and our future. That future begins today through the deliberate attention we give to the health and wellbeing of ourselves and our fellow Vandals.

Keep Calm and Vandal On.

Scott Green

Torrey Lawrence
Provost and Executive Vice President

TO:  University of Idaho Students, Faculty and Staff
FROM:  Scott Green, President
DATE:  Sept. 30, 2021
SUBJECT:  Join Us for Vandal Fest and Homecoming, Oct. 3-9

The leaves are starting to turn into beautiful colors and the temperatures starting to dip, which means Homecoming is right around the corner. Homecoming is always an energizing time on campus and in our community. This year is extra special as we will also celebrate the grand opening of our ICCU Arena, plus launch our Brave. Bold. campaign. These events will bolster our traditional Homecoming events Friday evening, including the Vandal Rally in the Kibbie Dome parking lot with live music, food trucks, games and activities for all ages.

I encourage you to participate in Homecoming and Vandal Fest activities Oct. 3-9. Participate in the blood drive, the food drive, the parade downtown and Vandal athletic competitions to name just a few. See the lineup of Homecoming activities.

Friday, Oct. 8, is a day for the history books. All activities are open to the public and free to attend. See the Vandal Fest lineup.

  • 2:15 p.m. Tree Planting in Honor of President Roosevelt – West Plaza of ICCU Arena
  • 5 p.m. ICCU Arena Ribbon Cutting – West Plaza of ICCU Arena
  • 5:30 p.m. Brave. Bold. Launch – Inside ICCU Arena
  • 5:30-9:30 p.m. Vandal Rally – Kibbie Dome Parking Lot
    • Live music, food trucks and beverages
    • Serpentine, bonfire and crowning of 2021 royalty
    • ICCU and Best Western Plus Homecoming Fireworks

There will be free tours of ICCU Arena from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 9. I encourage all of you to experience this once-in-a-lifetime opening of our arena and launch of the largest fundraising campaign in Idaho history. We welcome you to bring your family and friends to enjoy the parade and take in the innovative ICCU Arena before going into the football game. Don’t have your game tickets yet? Purchase your tickets.

It takes a team effort to pull off these activities all week long, and we couldn’t do it without volunteers. Consider volunteering for Vandal Fest.

For the safety and security of those participating, we will enforce several safety protocols, including a clear bag policy. There will also be metal detection at the football game Saturday. New this year is alcohol service during Vandal Rally and Saturday’s tailgate in the designated area and inside the Kibbie Dome for the football game. All parties will be asked to show identification and wear a wrist band for service.

Vandal Fest and Homecoming are calling Vandals “home,” and this means on-campus parking will be at a premium, particularly Thursday and Friday, Oct. 7, and 8. Students and employees are encouraged to use alternative transportation.

West Kibbie Dome parking lots will close to annual campus parking permit holders after 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 7, for Vandal Fest setup and will remain closed through the end of Homecoming game festivities Sunday, Oct. 9.

Blue Lot 60, on the east end of campus behind the Intermodal Transit Center, will close at 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 8, and will transform into overflow RV parking. Overflow RV parking in Blue Lot 60 is sold out, so those who regularly park in that lot are encouraged to plan a timely exit on Oct. 8.

The Moscow Chamber of Commerce and local businesses are important partners. They are hosting Moscowberfest Saturday, Oct. 2, in downtown Moscow’s newly minted entertainment district. This event is free to the community, with food and beverages available. These businesses help us create a great experience for our alumni when they return to Moscow, so I encourage you to support them this weekend and all year long.

This Vandal Fest and Homecoming week promise to be the best ever produced. It will be a fantastic celebration of a university on the rise. I look forward to seeing you there!

Go Vandals!

Scott Green

TO:  University of Idaho Students, Faculty and Staff
FROM:  Scott Green, President
Torrey Lawrence, Provost and Executive Vice President
DATE:  Sept. 20, 2021
SUBJECT:  First Tuition Credit Incentives Given

Congratulations to the more than 3,100 students who stepped up to get a vaccine and were rewarded with $50 gift cards. A special shout out to Madilyn Sleight, the winner of our first $1,000 tuition credit drawing, and Monica Carrillo, the first $5,000 tuition credit winner. Our next $1,000 drawing will be Thursday, Sept. 23, and we will give away gift cards until Nov. 12. Simply submit your proof of full vaccination to be entered into the drawings and receive your gift card.

We continue to host vaccination clinics on the Moscow campus. Pre-register now for this free, convenient vaccination. Not on the Moscow campus or need more options? Find a vaccine distribution location near you.

COVID-19 cases continue to increase across the state, causing many hospitals to implement Crisis Standards of Care. Please stay home if you are feeling sick. Faculty, please work with students who are out of class for any illness. It is important we help each other through the challenging weeks ahead.

We will continue to require face coverings in all university buildings statewide and at all university-sponsored indoor events. As a reminder, this includes face coverings in U of I offices within buildings owned by other entities (including our many research and UI Extension offices) and common areas on campus including those located in Housing and Residence Life. Face coverings can be removed in a shared office workspace where more than six feet of distance can be maintained and within private residential rooms in Housing and Residence Life. The face covering policy will again be reviewed in three weeks and communicated by Oct. 11.

Our isolation unit continues to house students who have tested positive. There are two students in isolation and nine reported positive cases in the past week. If you test positive for COVID-19, please submit a VandalCARE Report to receive assistance.

Thank you for looking out for each other. We appreciate how you have adopted the Healthy Vandal Pledge and made decisions with your health and the health of those around you in mind. Taking precautions and getting vaccinated will help us keep our hospitals open and our community healthy. It is what Vandals do.

Keep Calm and Vandal On.

Scott Green

Torrey Lawrence
Provost and Executive Vice President

TO:  University of Idaho Students, Faculty and Staff
FROM:  Scott Green, President
Torrey Lawrence, Provost and Executive Vice President
DATE:  Aug. 11, 2021
SUBJECT:  COVID-19 Protocols Updated for In-Person Course Delivery

The Delta variant of COVID-19 is moving quickly through our communities. Idaho has seen a significant increase in cases in the past week, and most of the state is in the “High transmission” category, according to the CDC. In collaboration with our Board of Regents and Public Health, we will implement the following safety protocols to provide as many in-person experiences as possible:

  • Masks are required, effective immediately, in all university buildings.
  • All classes will be offered in the modality listed in the catalog.
  • All Vandals are highly encouraged to be vaccinated.
  • COVID-19 tests are not required to attend class in person.

Face Covering Requirement

Following CDC guidance and after consultation with Idaho Public Health, everyone must wear a face covering when in any indoor university-sponsored event or space, regardless of vaccination status. This requirement is effective immediately. We will review this requirement every three weeks and will communicate changes.

Faculty must wear face coverings or a face shield in the classroom (but if using a shield, must maintain at least 6 feet from any student or colleague).


Classroom capacity will remain at normal levels, and all classes will be delivered in the modality listed in the catalog. We ask faculty to communicate clearly with students about classroom attendance expectations.


All Vandals are strongly encouraged to be vaccinated. Vaccines have proven to be safe and effective, according to the CDC. Vaccine sites are readily available across the state, and the vaccination is free. U of I will host free vaccination clinics at the start of fall semester. However, unvaccinated people should start the vaccination process immediately so they are more protected for the start of fall semester.

Vaccines cannot be required by the university as the result of a governor’s executive order. Therefore, it is up to us as individuals to do what is right for our fellow Vandals.

As a reminder, supervisors and instructors cannot ask the vaccination status of an employee or student for any reason. You can share your own status if you choose.

Vaccination Incentives for Students

Students who show proof of full vaccination will receive a $50 gift card to either the VandalStore or Idaho Eats. They will also be entered into a drawing for two $5,000 and 10 $1,000 awards. Directions will be emailed directly to students.


Last fall, the lack of access to COVID-19 testing and labs was a constraint on the ability of institutions to respond to the pandemic, therefore, the university opened and maintained a testing facility. Access to testing is no longer a limitation, so the university will rely on testing available through the healthcare system. Starting Monday, Aug. 16, the University will not be providing free COVID-testing like last academic year. Any individual showing COVID-19 symptoms should stay home and contact their healthcare provider immediately. Students and employees are welcome at the Vandal Health Clinic. Testing for COVID-19 is available at several local pharmacies and health care providers.

The Delta variant is moving quickly, and studies show that those who are vaccinated and get the variant are not as likely to get extreme symptoms. This is why we are focusing on vaccinations more than on testing the entire community.

Isolation and Quarantine for Positive Cases

All positive COVID-19 tests should be reported through a VandalCare Report. This will allow U of I to offer support services to those individuals. Targhee Hall remains a dedicated isolation space for those living in campus residential facilities and Greek chapter facilities who test positive. Food and other support services will be provided. Students who need to quarantine due to exposure while living on campus (either a residence hall or a Greek chapter facility) are expected to quarantine in that location. Students, faculty and staff living off-campus are expected to follow isolation and quarantine protocols from their home.

Healthy Vandal Pledge

The pledge is being revised and will be implemented soon. You will be asked to acknowledge the pledge when you access MyUI.

Other Safety Measures

Our new dining partner, Chartwells, will make grab-and-go options available at the ISUB and from the dining hall. Hand sanitizing stations across campus will remain in place, as well as all disinfectant and cleaning supplies in classrooms and other common spaces. Every new student will receive a Vandal mask with hand sanitizer.


All events must follow the mask requirements when indoors. Event planners are encouraged to plan events to allow for social distancing, when possible. Planners may encourage and provide masks in outdoor settings.


All meetings must follow the mask requirement when indoors. Zoom and outdoor meetings are encouraged.

Requests for Flexible Work Space

Faculty and staff may request to work from other locations. Limited exceptions will be granted through the discretionary Flexwork process. Information about Flexwork arrangements is available from HR.

Factors for Future Decisions

Many factors contribute to decisions about how we provide a quality learning experience amidst a global pandemic. These include:

  • Government restrictions or directives (national, state, region and city)
  • Guidance from the U of I Board of Regents
  • Idaho Public Health recommendations
  • Gritman Medical Center recommendations
  • Isolation space utilization and capacity
  • Local hospitalization rate and hospital capacity
  • Positive case numbers and analysis within Latah County
  • Positive case numbers and analysis within the U of I community

Additional Resources

Information about COVID-19 and U of I safety protocols will continue to be posted on the COVID-19 website. Questions may be sent to

We will continue to monitor the increase of the Delta variant in our state and will work with our partners to determine what is best for our institution throughout the fall semester. As always, we appreciate your patience as well as your efforts to protect one another.

Keep Calm and Vandal On.

Scott Green

Torrey Lawrence
Provost and Executive Vice President

TO:  University of Idaho Students, Faculty and Staff
FROM:  Scott Green, President
Torrey Lawrence, Provost and Executive Vice President
DATE:  Aug. 9, 2021
SUBJECT:  Changes Coming to Fall COVID-19 Safety Plans

The Vandal community worked diligently to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic the past 17 months. Many new freedoms have come from the availability of vaccines, but the virus continues to evolve and present new challenges.

Due to new data about the Delta variant, our safety protocols for the start of fall semester are being revised. We are working with Idaho Public Health, Gritman Medical Center and our Board of Regents to finalize the plans. Details will be available Wednesday.

As the CDC continues to tell us, vaccines are the key to beating this virus. They are proven to be safe and effective. Despite this, Idaho still has a low vaccination rate, and the Governor’s Executive Order #2021-04 prohibits any state entity from requiring vaccines. Vaccines are highly recommended but not required at the university. Vandals should be diligent, committed to each other and get vaccinated to have the best chance of success in returning to more traditional operations. Hospitals are seeing an increase in COVID-19 patients, and the number of deaths is also increasing, according to CDC data.

Vaccine sites are readily available across the state, and vaccination is free. U of I will host free vaccination clinics at the start of fall semester; however, unvaccinated people should start the vaccination process immediately so you are more protected for the start of classes.

We are committed to increasing our vaccination rate. All students who show proof of vaccination will receive a $50 gift card to either the VandalStore or Idaho Eats. You will also be entered into a drawing for two $5,000 and 10 $1,000 scholarships. Information about how to receive your gift card and be eligible for the drawing will be sent out in a later communication.

Wash your hands. Stay home if you feel ill. Get vaccinated. Take action so we can do the amazing things that Vandals do.

Keep Calm and Vandal On.

Scott Green

Torrey Lawrence
Provost and Executive Vice President

TO:  University of Idaho Students, Faculty and Staff
FROM:  Scott Green, President
Torrey Lawrence, Provost and Executive Vice President
DATE:  July 30, 2021
SUBJECT:  Vandals Strongly Encouraged to Wear Masks Indoors

CDC guidance released this week advises all people, regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status, to wear masks indoors. As a result, all Vandals are strongly encouraged to wear a mask in all university buildings statewide, unless you are alone in your workspace.

We continue to monitor the increase of the Delta variant in our state and will work with Public Health and Gritman Medical Center to determine what is best for our institution as we near the start of the fall semester.

All Vandals are strongly encouraged to be vaccinated. Vaccines have proven to be safe and effective, according to the CDC. Vaccine sites are readily available across the state, and the vaccination is free.

This situation is evolving quickly, and you can expect further guidance regarding fall semester safety protocols in the coming weeks.

Keep Calm and Vandal On.

Scott Green

Torrey Lawrence
Provost and Executive Vice President

Contact Us

Physical Address:
Administration Building
Room 105
Moscow, ID

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 3151
Moscow, ID
